Dainius Dundulis, Norfa’s boss, lost power: I live a life without a home


“I understand that various disasters and accidents happen, there are overwhelming force (invincible force, – ed. past.). However, I would very much like the Power Distribution Operator (ESO) to say exactly when it will deal with power failures, rather than promising that it will one day.

At the beginning, I still received short messages from ESO, with the deadlines for when the electricity supply will be restored, now I no longer receive anything ”, the manager of the sales network got angry.

D. Dundulis jokes that he has to live a homeless life right now, because he can’t use any of the comforts of home.

“I can’t cook, wash, use the internet. I don’t even have heat. So yesterday I washed at work and today I went to Šilalė to work, so I washed at the gas station on the way. And I also charged the phone at the road in the car.

And at home, for now, I can only light a candle or light a reflector ”, said the head of the retail chain.

According to him, there is no electricity not only in the Vilnius house, but also in a farm in the Molėtai district.

“When the power went out, the first thing they thought was to go to the house, but there is no power there either. My daughter needs to study remotely, and there are no conditions for that, so we asked her to be accepted by acquaintances, ”said D. Dundulis.

According to him, to solve the problem will have to buy a generator.

“While traveling to Lake Baikal, I saw a generator at home. In Lithuania, it seems that in Siberia it is also necessary to acquire them, because ESO does not offer guarantees that there will be electricity. And this case is not the only one, only in September, the electricity supply to the house and farm was cut off 20 times. And there was no electricity for 4-6 hours.

I grew up in a small town, I remember when I was a child I lost electricity, but definitely less often than now, in the modern world, ”said D. Dundulis.

According to the businessman, today he will have to stay in a hotel.

“But what to do for the rest of Lithuania, who work alone from home, their children learn remotely. After all, they have to sit in a cold house and have no opportunities to work or study because there is no electricity.

Not everyone has the economic means to stay in hotels. In addition, the quarantine is currently in Lithuania, we are recommended to be at home, but in case of power failure, I cannot be there, I have to go to a hotel or another place, “said D. Dundulis angrily.

According to him, it is enough to compare the work of the two institutions and we see which one is responsible and prepared for the snow and which one is not.

“While driving to Šilalė today, I noticed that the roads were cleared everywhere. So road users were able to prepare for more snow, and ESO, in our opinion, did not,” said the head of the retail chain.

ESO asks electricity consumers for patience

Most recently, on January 28. According to ESO data, there are around 17,000 trees without electricity on overhead power lines in Lithuania due to heavy snowfall. homes.

About 8.3 thousand people are without electricity in the Vilnius region. households, in the Alytus region – about 3.6 thousand, in the Utena region – about 3.5 thousand, in the Panevėžys region – about 800, in the Kaunas region – about 600, and in the Panevėžys region – about 800

In total, the electricity supply, which was interrupted for more than 3 minutes, was resumed for about 230 thousand. clients (including repeat failures). The rest of breakdowns, around 40%, are repaired with the help of automation.

“Although there are fewer failures after the end of the heavy snowfall and they have accelerated considerably as more roads have been cleared, new disruptions are still forming after reconstruction due to the reappearance of trees on the airlines. We remind you that the cause of Power outages are wet snow clothing that has accumulated on trees, unable to support the weight of snow, trees or their branches break off and become overhead power lines.

The problem solving continues: the highest priority today is to restore electricity to those who do not have it for the longest time, ”says ESO.

ESO specialists work day and night to restore power as quickly as possible. Almost all possible capabilities were connected, maximum forces were used. Both operational brigades and other units that can carry out the work have been mobilized. ESO continues to constantly communicate with municipalities, local elders and forestry business units to restore electricity supply as soon as possible.

However, despite all efforts, some of the electrical restoration work is taking time. ESO apologizes to all users for the inconvenience caused and asks for their understanding and patience.
