Daily horoscope 12 zodiac signs (November 2)


Astrological forecast for Monday, November 2.

Aries. In the morning, you will focus on property, money, and related matters. Profits can be expected from advertising, mental and commercial activities. You will be willing to communicate, to be interested in everything, so that you can know the things that interest you.

NEWS. Today you can find a compromise, agree on things, goods or services that are important to you. You may be lucky enough to complete a useful business transaction or write a serious post.

TWINS. Potential benefits from charity, welfare, art, illegal activities. However, contracts shouldn’t be rushed today. Believe, count, but don’t force.

CANCER. By noon you will be fine handling daily affairs, holding regular conversations, contacts, and then you will start worrying about everything, you will feel the uselessness of your efforts and conversations. You can get sick.

THE LION. In the morning you will study professional problems and at night you will move on to more personal things. Interesting meetings or discussions are expected on social media. Mediating someone can lead to success.

VIRGIN. You seem to be more philosophizing or surfing the internet here and there at noon than you are actually working on. This means that the working day can be prolonged without being able to do what is really important.

FLAKES. You will be in the mood for conversations about psychology, finance, international events, education. You may have to attend a meeting with foreigners, celebrities or intellectuals in the afternoon.

SCORPION. Today you will be especially interested in information on stocks, banks, financial policy. You can concentrate, penetrate the essence both working and communicating. Your financial talent may emerge.

SHOOTER. It will be good to handle it at work and at home. Just blindly give in to the will and influence of others. It is useful to try to get rid of some flaws, realize weaknesses and get rid of unrealistic illusions.

GOAT. Don’t flinch today if you have to. It is very important to continue the work you have started, unless you are in isolation or quarantine. It serves to take care of the health, the image.

WATER. In the morning, the digestive system can attack or the house can cause problems. Don’t take trivial things seriously. At night there will be a romantic atmosphere. Show attention to the person you are interested in.

FISH. Today you can expect meetings with people you have seen for a long time. At night, you will feel better at home, with your family. You can spend money to meet your aesthetic needs.

You have a good day!
