Daily horoscope 12 signs of the zodiac (October 28)


Astrological forecast for Wednesday, October 28.

Aries. Positive emotions should dominate today. You seem to talk a lot about the past, float spaces behind memories, and maybe even try to resurrect some connection, object, occupation, or skill for a new life.

NEWS. You can hear gossip about yourself and they will foster a defensive reaction. Or you will get that reaction from others because of your too long tongue. If you’re unlucky, you’ll probably appreciate someone you can lean on with a friendly shoulder.

TWINS. A friendly and social day. You will feel like an important part of the team. Or just renew your friendship, a broken relationship or something. Your free time will be filled with the hustle and bustle of friends or social networks.

CANCER. You will think about business prospects. Perhaps this is due to the offer received or the achievements of the acquaintance I met. Alien examples can be valuable, but still focus on your path searches.

THE LION. The day is a success for commercial and scientific activities. Today’s plans should be viable if you can implement them. Conversations with influential actors will not go to waste.

VIRGIN. Topics related to science, media, logistics, accounting, advertising will be relevant. Think about how to use the funds more rationally and perhaps it is worth making sure. In case of damage, it would be worth taking care of compensation.

FLAKES. You will actively rotate if you are looking for opportunities to cooperate, advocate, mediate, impress a person you like, etc. Don’t lose your temper and caution. It is risky to believe that the objective always justifies the measures.

SCORPION. Workday. Everything seems to be going exactly according to plan, especially if you are looking to go back to your previous job or are going to go back to an unfinished project and improve it.

SHOOTER. You seem to be in a good mood, active, flirtatious, and friendly. You will delight the team, the loved one, the children with their ingenious replicas.

GOAT. You may have to handle business, inheritance, property matters, research the past, files, etc. Family relationships should improve. Don’t drop your hands if it looks like you’re not doing it right.

WATER. Today’s news can also touch you in some way. Maybe you will grant or accept an interview, post an article, comment a lot, announce something, and more. From abroad, you can receive a guest or an invitation.

FISH. One way or another, the problems of property, money, debts will be solved. The person you like probably won’t forgive. An interview is planned during which you can discover important relationships.

You have a good day!
