Daily horoscope 12 signs of the zodiac (August 3)


J.Basanavičius Gymnasium shined

Graduates of the Kaunas Jonas Basanavičius Gymnasium obtained the most: one-fifth of all the city’s highs. And the teacher of the twelve young people is Irena Vainorienė.

“There are no such teachers in Lithuania anymore. She is our joy. No one works like that. She is very, very excellent,” the gym director Antanas Račkelis praised the teacher. He said a total of 120 graduates this year. 101 took the state exam for Lithuanian language and literature, and nineteen more took the school exam. Seven representatives of this gym did not pass the exam.

There are no more teachers of this type in Lithuania. It is our joy.

According to the supervisor, in almost all cases the test results reflected the students’ ability, that is, more or less in line with the annual assessment. However, there was one case in which a moderately well-educated young man won a hundred.

A. Račkelis compared that six years ago, when her granddaughter graduated from school, after receiving 100 points on the state maturity test in Lithuanian language and literature, six other I. Vainorienė students were also excellent. So this year, this teacher and her students represent double the hundreds, although the topics, according to the evaluation of the director, who is also Lithuanian, were difficult.

good results

Vilija Adaškevičienė, the lead specialist at the Kaunas City Municipality Department of Education, stated that she was not entirely surprised by the leadership of the J.Basanavičius Gymnasium.

“The works of the Lithuanian language and literature graduates of this gym are systematically evaluated with the highest scores from year to year, although there are also those who did not pass,” said the specialist. She emphasized that the gym accepts everyone who wants to study, it does not choose children, but “the work of the teachers, the attitude of the students themselves become the pillars on which the excellent result of the state examination of maturity”.

In addition to 1,200 from the J. Basanavičius gymnasium, ten maxima from the Kaunas University of Technology, seven – from the Kaunas Jesuits, six – from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, five – from Kaunas “Saulė”, four – from Kaunas John Paul II, three – from Kaunas Jonas Jablonskis, Kaunas Maironis University and Vytautas Magnus University “Rasa” gymnasiums.

The number of Kaunas residents who received 85-99 points is also impressive. They also tripled, more than a third of all who held it. Last year, every ninth.

There was an appeal

One hundred is written after scoring 93 or more points. The threshold for passing the state maturity exam in Lithuanian language and literature is 30 percent. homework points

This year, 195 (9.13%) Kaunas residents did not jump these posters. The representatives of the following educational institutions were the most unfortunate: Kaunas “Vyturys” (13 failed), Kaunas Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas (12), Vytautas Magnus “Rasos” University (10), Kaunas “Aušros” (11), Kaunas Maironis University Gyms (9), Kaunas Adult and Youth Training Center (9), Kaunas University of Technology Lyceum of Engineering (8), Kaunas Jonas Basanavičius Gymnasium (7), General Povilas Plechavičius Cadet Lyceum (5).

Last year, 175 (7.67%) young Kaunas failed this exam.

24 appeals from 38 general education schools were filed Friday. “Appeals are filed within two business days, excluding the day of the announcement of the results. Accordingly, the deadline is August 3 at 5 pm,” said V. Adaškevičienė.

Arguments need to be added as to why there is disagreement with the current assessment. After the appeal, the score may increase and decrease.

According to her, all the results of the main exam session will be known on August 5. August 3 must be published in foreign languages ​​(English) and mathematics. Repeat sessions – August 7

Two exams are enough

All but 161 graduates who dropped out of school were admitted to the maturity exams in Kaunas. V.Adaškevičienė stated that everyone could take the exams, even those with a negative annual assessment of the subject.

This year, fifty hundred graduates from last year and 270 (external) high school graduates joined the ranks of those who took the maturity exams. Most of the 48 graduates from last year who decided to retake any test chose to retest their knowledge of the Lithuanian language and literature (12), mathematics (11) and geography (8).

To obtain a maturity certificate, it is necessary to pass two maturity exams: a compulsory Lithuanian language and literature and another maturity exam in the chosen subject or to prepare a maturity thesis. The most popular elective exam is English, followed by math and history.

Four themes

Like last year and in previous years, students were able to choose one of the four suggested topics when writing their essay. Either of the two reasonings and two literary themes was chosen, at least one mandatory author had to be invoked.

Students were able to choose among the 36 compulsory authors listed in the general program for this subject, which were also included in the homework notebook. During the examination, it was possible to use digitized works of the compulsory authors of the program on a computer. They are allowed to read for no more than 20 minutes.

Topics of the Lithuanian state exam

Reasoning essay topics:

“Where’s the line between prank and bullying?” Recommended authors: Jurgis Savickis and Marius Ivaškevičius.

“Can art affect reality?” Recommended authors: Maironis and Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas.

Literary essay topics:

“The meaning of vacations in literature”. The recommended authors are Kristijonas Donelaitis and Balys Sruoga.

“Intergenerational relations in the literature”. Recommended authors: Jonas Biliūnas and Juozas Aputis.

School exam topics

Reasoning essay topics:

“Do I find my hero in culture?” Recommended authors: Vincas Kudirka, Justinas Marcinkevičius.

“Is it easy to forgive?” Recommended authors: Jonas Biliūnas, Juozas Aputis.

Literary essay topics:

“A literary character against the absurd”. Recommended authors: Balys Sruoga, Antanas Škėma.

“The image of the ruler in literature”. Recommended authors: Jonas Radvanas, Vincas Krėvė.
