D. Trump, who has COVID-19, is waiting for a test: the doctor says the next 48 hours. will be critical


“It just came to our notice then. I feel much better now,” Trump says in a recording of his apartment at Walter Reed Army Hospital near Washington.

“I think I’ll be back soon and I can’t wait to finish [rinkimų] the campaign as it was launched, ”said the president, who wore a jacket and shirt with an exposed collar.

Trump acknowledged that there was uncertainty about the course of the disease and that COVID-19 could affect patients who recover unexpectedly.

“I’m starting to feel good. “I can’t know about the next period of a few days, I guess it is a real test, so we will see what happens in the next few days,” he said.

Trump also said that, as an American leader, he had no choice but to risk exposure to the coronavirus.

“I didn’t have a choice. Because I just didn’t want to be in the White House,” he said. – I can’t be locked at the top of the room and completely safe. As a leader, you must face challenges. “

On Saturday night, White House physician Sean Conley said that Trump’s “difficulties were not over,” but that his medical team was “cautiously optimistic.”

Conley’s report came after a source informed about the president’s health, later called by the US media to White House chief of administration Mark Meadows, made a much gloomier assessment.

“The president is vital [funkcijos] the last 24 hours have been very worrying and the next 48 hours will be critical, he said. “We are not yet on the clear path to full recovery.”

Conley said Trump had made “significant progress” after the diagnosis, had no fever and did not need additional oxygen.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump

Trump, 74, received a second dose of the antiviral drug remdesivir and worked most of the afternoon, Conley added.

Another doctor, Sean Dooley, said early Saturday that the president’s heart, kidney and liver functions were “normal.”

Conley had previously avoided the question of whether the president had ever received additional oxygen, only to confirm that he had not received additional oxygen at the hospital or on Thursday when his COVID-19 test came back positive.

Multiple US media reported that Trump received oxygen at the White House on Friday before being hospitalized.

White House chimney

Conley added to the confusion by mentioning that Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19 on Wednesday instead of Thursday, as officially announced. But then the doctor said he was wrong.

Shortly after Trump arrived at the hospital, Conley announced that the president was starting a course on remdesivir and that he was administered an 8-gram dose of an experimental antibody cocktail.

Neither Trump’s doctors nor the White House have explained why the president is taking unapproved drugs if his progress is satisfactory.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump

Trump’s optimism about his chances of recovery has been clouded by news that increasing numbers of people around him are being tested for coronavirus.

The latest such results come from campaign adviser Chris Christie, who is among several people who helped Trump prepare for the first debate of the presidential campaign and became infected with the coronavirus.

Christie and a string of Trump senators and aides are also in a growing group of people in the presidential milieu who have been tested for coronavirus after last weekend’s event at the White House in Rosario.

The so-called White House home includes President Melania’s wife, nearby trustee Hope Hicks, former White House Senior Adviser Kellyanne Conway, Campaign Manager Bill Stepien, Republican Senator Thomas Tillis and Mike Lee.

A third Republican senator, Ron Johnson, also announced positive test results Saturday.

“Excessive reliance on evidence”

Public health experts have raised concerns about the outbreak in connection with the Sept. 26 celebration of the appointment of Conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a candidate for Supreme Court Justice.

“They relied too much on diagnostic tests. We know that these tests very often show a false negative answer, “said Ali Nouri, president of the Federation of American Scientists for Strategic Studies.

Trump, who is far behind his election rival, Democrat Joe Biden, 77, has been forced to suspend or reorganize much of his campaign ahead of the Nov.3 election.

Among the unknowns are the prospects for the remaining two presidential election debates, as well as whether the president will have to temporarily cede power to Vice President Mike Pence if his condition deteriorates.

One of the main themes of Biden’s campaign was Trump’s efforts to reduce the threat of a coronavirus pandemic, as well as his reluctance to wear protective masks.

During his first stormy debate in Cleveland last Tuesday, Trump was close to Trump for an hour and a half. However, a Democratic candidate reported Friday that neither he nor his wife, Jill, had a coronavirus infection on Friday.

During the debate, Biden reminded voters that he had repeatedly called for a serious assessment of the coronavirus pandemic, which had claimed more than 208,000 lives. Americans, and his opponent has repeatedly mocked that the Democratic candidate is diligently wearing protective masks.
