D. The short will no longer interfere with the return process.


Mandel Ngan (AFP / „Scanpix“) nuotr.

President Donald Trump paves the way for President-elect Joe Biden and his transition team to prepare for the seizure of power in the White House.

Emily Murphy, head of the President’s General Services Administration, informed Biden in a letter that the presidential administration was ready to begin the formal handover process.

The presidential administration will begin working with Biden’s team to provide access to information and funding, although the president himself continues to acknowledge defeat and does not agree with the outcome of the vote.

That means Biden’s team will receive funding and an official office for a transitional period until January 20, when he will be sworn in and take over as president.

President-elect Biden and his vice president, Kamala Harris, will now receive regular intelligence from the president of the United States.

Biden’s transition team has announced that it will immediately begin meetings with federal officials responsible for managing the coronavirus pandemic and national security matters.

The decision was based on facts

Ms. Murphy says in her letter that the White House did not pressure her to postpone the formal acquisition process.

“I made my decision on my own, based on the law and available facts. I have never been pressured directly or indirectly by any executive,” writes the head of the General Services Administration.

An announcement Monday that Trump’s staff will work with Biden’s team is the clearest sign yet that the president admits he lost the election, Reuters said.

J. Biden on November 3. In the 2006 US presidential elections, he obtained 306 votes, much more than the 270 votes needed for victory and much more than D. Trump received, garnering 232 votes in the Electors College.

The General Services Administration’s announcement came shortly after Biden was confirmed the winner in the state of Michigan and Trump’s legal efforts to change the election outcome became even less likely.

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