D.Kreivys will be a bloody transparent minister – Respublika.lt


“Future Minister of Energy Dainius Kreivys does not drown in water and does not burn in fire. Responding to allegations of conflicts of interest, he explains that he learned the lessons. I mean, from now on everything will combine so subtly that no one will notice suspicious works. And business matters will pass and remain crystal clear, “ironically the newspaper” Vakaro žinios “in” Elite News “.


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Arūnas Cironka collage

Sometimes the ancient works of Mr. Kreivis are remembered. When the president examined the candidate, he also raised doubts about his ability to reconcile interests. It would be ugly not to remember this at all, knowing that the millions of Europeans who once spent on a parent-owned company have forced Curve to resign as finance minister. The candidate was quick to dispel the president’s doubts. “I have really mastered coordination and conflict of interest prevention. Lessons have really been learned,” said Mr. Kreivys. The next morning the candidate-run company was rumored to have built an apartment building on the site where the social departments were planned after strange agreements with the capital’s municipality. The president stood up, but still decided: “Curve is right.” Another lesson has been learned about reconciling interests, and Curve is becoming increasingly clear.

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