D.Kreivys: Lithuania actually consumes the electricity from the Astravas nuclear power plant, it paid 4 million LTL in ten days. EUR Business


Discussions on whether the electricity produced by the Astravo nuclear power plant is actually consumed in Lithuania have been taking place in the country for the past few months after the power plant was commissioned.

D. Kreivys claims that for the first time he has specific calculations in his hands that this is true.

According to him, this is happening according to the long-discussed scheme, when Latvia buys energy from Russia, but buys more than it can actually import on cross-border lines.

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min / Dainius Kreivys

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min / Dainius Kreivys

According to the minister, to compensate for this difference, electricity from Belarus flows to Latvia through Lithuania; This energy should be of exclusively Russian origin, but it is not.

According to D. Kreivis, 50 percent. This flow to Latvia from Belarus is generated by electricity from the Astrava nuclear power plant, and Lithuania also uses it, since its trade with Riga is not restricted.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Total traffic, which amounts to 77 million kilowatt hours in the last 10 days. (…) In monetary terms, it is almost 4 million euros. If we calculate this amount for the year, it is 120 million per year, the minister said after the meeting of the Defense and National Security Committee (NSGC) of the Seimas, where he presented the available data.

“We use that electricity and pay for it,” he said.

NSGK President Laurynas Kasčiūnas told reporters that on the current balance of electricity consumption in Lithuania, Astravas electricity accounts for around 12 percent.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Laurynas Kasčiūnas

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Laurynas Kasčiūnas

The politicians do not disclose the exact data on which they rely to reach such a conclusion, but only claim that it is data collected and provided by the operator of the electricity transmission system Litgrid.

“This is systematic operator data and these things are not public,” said D. Kreivys.

He stated that the electricity from the Astrava Nuclear Power Plant in Lithuania is used by basically everyone in the country.

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