CUT OF THE DAY. Very on the conservative plan to control the coronavirus pandemic


A conversation about this with the former Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga on the program “Dienas pjūvis”.

The portal recalls that at the press conference R. Karbauskis said that he sees a lot of distraction and vagueness when it comes to Covid-19 devices. The conservative-liberal government took only one measure that seemed simply feasible to them: stop any movement of people.

However, this Government, as we can see, does not have the competence to assess the consequences, which can be long-term and quite difficult to face in the future. For this reason, we extend a helping hand to the Government of I. Šimonytė, we urge not to be proud and accept our well-considered proposals, which we hope will have positive results in the short term ”, said R. Karbauskis.

“The peasants would not have accepted the quarantine as it is now. {…} Restricting the movement of people to what is being done now is foolish. {…} We have to stop imitating the restriction, we have to allow people to move. Keeping people closed for months will have completely different and worse consequences than we can have directly from the coronavirus. Today, it is necessary to solve the problems in such a way that we can safely return the business, the service sector, ”said R. Karbauskis.

According to R. Karbauskis, when such “excessive restrictions” now apply, when residents cannot walk with the sea to the sea or elsewhere, people are flocking to Vingis Park or other public places.

“One of the most terrible punishments for a person is considered imprisonment and incarceration when he cannot move, communicate, we apply it to criminals. Now that restriction applies to practically everyone and has consequences, ”said A. Veryga.

The farmer guide R. Karbauskis pointed out that the alternative plan prepared by them will be at the disposal of the current government, which will make decisions on quarantine flexibility and other measures, if it so wishes.

“The government and the ruling majority lied saying they had a Covid-19 control plan. They reported in the Seimas that there is a 130-step plan, but we see that there is no plan. The current government has nothing and does not prepare anything. Now they have caught the only plan: quarantine. Still, it is known to work in an epidemiological sense, but at what cost? That price is unbearable, ”said R. Karbauskis.

Opposition peasants presented a 6-part alternative Covid-19 management plan that proposed solutions for population movement, small businesses, education and health systems, vaccination and testing.

More information about the measures LVŽS offers is available here.
