CUT OF THE DAY. Unvaccinated quarantine and mandatory vaccinations: do we still have weapons against the coronavirus?


Paulė Kuzmickienė, a member of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee, and Vaidotas Zemlys-Balevičius, a data scientist, are discussing this on the current talk show “Daily Section” of the news portal

The news portal has already written that next week the Cabinet of Ministers intends to sit down and consider what measures to curb the growing morbidity of COVID-19 in Lithuania and how to encourage the country’s population to get vaccinated. Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys does not hide his intention to change the privileges provided by the passport of opportunities.

As A. Dulkys told reporters on Wednesday, on Monday the Cabinet of Ministers intends to consult on the increasing incidence of COVID-19 in Lithuania. Decisions in this regard are expected to be taken at the government meeting next Wednesday.

“The situation in hospitals, morbidity indicators will be evaluated in detail, we will talk about the preparations for September 1, about the possibilities of accelerating vaccination, about the new role of the old Passport of Opportunities and other similar things,” he said Dulkys to reporters on Wednesday.

In Lithuania, there are another 63 cases of the delta variety.

Another 63 cases of the delta strain of the coronavirus (Indian) have been identified in Lithuania, the National Public Health Laboratory (NSPL), which coordinates the coronavirus sequencing studies in Lithuania, reported on Thursday.

Seven cases of the alpha (British) strain were also identified.

The Delta variant included 38 of the 47 samples analyzed at the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center and 25 of the 26 samples analyzed at the Kaunas Clinics of the Health Sciences Hospital of the University of Lithuania.

In total, 14,465 samples have been sequenced in Lithuania so far and 10,000 have been detected, according to the sequencing project coordinated by the NSPL. 287 cases of alpha variant, 13 beta variant (South Africa), 236 B.1.620 variant, eight gamma variants (Brazilian), and 148 cases of delta variant virus lines.

According to NVSPL, this data is preliminary and may change a bit later.
