Curse of the last day: Regitra’s electronic services have been interrupted, queues are not decreasing


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Such is the last minute effect. Some people just before July 1. he rushed to buy a car to avoid the registration fee, which can significantly exceed 100 euros. You can find the exact tax rates and the list of cars you will have to pay here.

15 minutes You have already written that to re-register a car that has been driven in Lithuania before, it is not necessary to drive to Regitra. It is sufficient to register the transaction on the Regitra website. But on Tuesday, the last business day left before the tax went into effect, it became impossible.

15 minutes Readers share their sad stories of not being able to sign online sales contracts on Tuesday.

We try to connect to the site ourselves, it is temporarily unavailable.

Regitra's website is down

Regitra’s website is down

“I want to report the situation. We bought the car, we deliberately tried to do it before July 1. The so-called pollution tax will go into effect. But we are faced with a problem.

For a visit In the register you need to register a week or more in advance. But before we didn’t have a purchase yet. We decided to register the car online. We tried to do this for 3 hours, and still fail.

We tried to contact the phones provided by the company, but we did It also fails.

We understand that there are many like us. But are we to blame for a state company not providing the assigned services? I wonder who will compensate the direct losses for the population due to these problems ”, Edgar writes.

Regitra’s comment: the need for consultations has increased since the beginning of the quarantine


Overall, the flow of customers requesting services, both during and after the quarantine period, has increased the need for telephone or email inquiries by an average of 1.5 to 2 times. In the past week, with little time before the car registration tax comes into effect, the issue has dominated. As a result, the connection time of the call may be longer. The information center can serve 25 clients by phone at the same time. When all lines are busy, customers hear a busy signal, and in some cases there may be no ring signal. After choosing the service, the average waiting time is approximately 6 minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience that the connection fails for the first time.


In the case of electronic services, the vehicle registration system (eKETRIS) does not work correctly due to high customer traffic, since the number of users connected to the system has increased up to 10 times. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by online interruptions.

We also want to draw the attention of customers who place orders before July 1. will ship online. If the order is submitted, confirmed and paid, the registration certificate and registration plates can be removed at a later date, i. and. after July 1, in which case the registration fee will not apply.

Note that on the night of June 30 to July 1 from 00.00. until 9.00 the necessary registration work related to the registration fee to be entered will render the vehicle registration services portal inaccessible.

Situation in departments

When it comes to direct customer service in departments, like yesterday, today there is a greater flow of customers arriving without prior registration. This is what led to the appearance of “live” queues. Regardless of traffic, preference is given to pre-registered customers. We remind you that these clients arrive at the unit a few minutes early. In the event that a person has reserved a pre-service time, customers who arrived without registering are invited to be served.

It is understandable that some people who buy cars these days need to register them after June 30. However, we will note that this is not the first time that we have a significant flow of customers, so the company’s employees are ready to serve everyone who waits as quickly as possible.

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