Criticism of the future government by the vice president of LVK invited to the DNA plan review group


At the time, Marius Dubnikov said that the future government had invited him not as vice president of LVK, who called for a temporary suspension of the implementation of the DNA plan, but as a financial analyst.

“I speak in public very often, again, not from LVK, but as an analyst. In my opinion, the plan needs to be revised, so I probably received an invitation to participate in this group, just to get acquainted with the plan itself and to say the conclusions, ”M. Dubnikov told BNS.

He remarked that he would not have the right to vote in the group nor could he decide anything: “Just ask me for my opinion.”

The decision to invite M. Dubnikov to the group is criticized by a member of the opposition “peasant” faction, the former first deputy prime minister Lukas Savickas. According to him, it is difficult for him to believe that M. Dubnikov can distance himself from the position of vice president of LVK and give his opinion as an independent financial analyst.

“It just came to my knowledge then. I understand that formally this person cannot be delegated to LVK, but he is also a person who is (LVK – BNS) in the governing bodies, he is the vice president,” L. Savickas told the BNS .

“It just came to our attention then. The organization was very active and, as it said publicly, argued and called for the DNA plan to be suspended until the new government conducts a review,” he added.

Decisions will be made elsewhere

The informal group, which has yet to meet, includes Prime Minister-designate Ingrida Šimonytė, Seimas Budget and Finance Committee Chairman Mykolas Majauskas and four candidate nominees for ministers: Aušrinė Armonaitė (Ministry of Economy and Innovation), Gintarė Skaistė (Ministry of Finance), Kasparas Adomaitis Ministry and Simon Gentvilas (Ministry of Environment).

Mr. Dubnikov says that the group has not yet met and therefore has no consensus on what should be changed in the DNA plan.

“In this case, you need to come to the table, review the plan carefully, and make sure all the money travels to where it could provide the most benefit,” Dubnikov stressed.

He also stressed that no decisions will be made in the group.

“This is a group of people who are invited to discuss an issue that concerns finances (…). The point is that decisions will not really be made here, decisions will be made entirely elsewhere, ”said the financial analyst.

At that time, L. Savickas doubted that it was simply a “meeting of a group of people”, because then the same people, having passed to the government meeting or meeting regime, will be able to formalize decisions.

“Without a doubt, if a business meeting has been held and the desired changes have been made, all that remains is to make the formalization,” said the former Vice Chancellor of the Government.

L. Savickas called this informal meeting, which plans to not only review the DNA plan, but also discuss the state budget, a “small group of like-minded people” on Facebook on Monday.

The Seimas member said he was confident that publicly announced information on the composition of the informal group will be clarified and its representation will be broader. He stressed that union representatives should also participate in the group’s discussions on the state budget.

“If you spend not only money focused on economic transformation, but also discussions about the state budget, there is already a whole social policy, where it would inevitably be necessary to consult not only business representatives, but also employees,” Savickas said.

At the time, Mr. Dubnikov argued that if too many representatives from various associations were admitted to the group, the productivity of the discussions could suffer.

“From experience, I can say that when a group becomes a gathering of a large circle of people, the efficiency drops drastically,” said the analyst.

However, L. Savickas states that there are not as many representatives of associated companies in Lithuania.

“This is basically a well-established list of organizations that represent the entire associated business in different formats. I think the list is not so terribly long, ”said the Seimas member.

Ask to stop the DNA plan

Earlier this month, LVK called for the DNA plan approved in June to be halted until it is reviewed by a new government made up of a coalition of center-right parties that won the Seimas elections.

The confederation’s letter to the president, the prime minister, the leaders of the winning parties and I. Šimonyte says that the ADN plan is not balanced enough and there is a significant lack of cooperation with companies.

LVK President Andrius Romanovskis previously told BNS that the DNA plan should be suspended and that the introduction of new restrictions in the country due to the coronavirus should prioritize support to help companies survive the second quarantine, in instead of long-term investments in DNA plans.

ADN’s plan plans to allocate around 6.3 billion for long-term investments by the end of 2021. of which new and additional investments will amount to 2.2 billion euros. the remaining EUR 4.1 billion. EUR: accelerated investments already planned.

Finance Minister Vilius Šapoka later said that proposals related to investments in “blocks” will not be evaluated. However, some economists later criticized the plan, saying it was misplaced because a significant part of the investment was planned for roads, squares and similar areas.

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