Crew and crew members returning from a trip on Monday must isolate


The Ministry of Transport and Communications explains that according to the decision of the Director of Emergency Operations at the state level, the isolation can be shortened even if the crew and crew members have to leave for a trip or leave the Republic of Lithuania earlier to complete it.

The facilities have also been established by decision of the Chief of Operations. First, the isolation can only be shortened or terminated after reporting to the National Public Health Center (NVSC) without waiting for their permission. Second, family members of returning carriers will not be required to isolate themselves.

These requirements apply to crews and crew members (both foreigners and Lithuanian citizens) working in Lithuanian or international companies of all vehicle carriers.

The isolation requirement does not apply to crew and crew members transiting the territory of Lithuania without stopovers, except those necessary, as well as to aircraft crews when the crew members do not leave the vehicle between trips.

However, as before, crew members and crew members arriving in Lithuania will need to complete the NVSC questionnaire before arriving in Lithuania (

It should also be noted that managers (employers) of companies engaged in international commercial transport in Lithuania are obliged to properly instruct their employees on the need to complete the NVSC questionnaire and the obligation of isolation. Employers are advised to organize preventive tests for coronavirus on their own.

It should be noted that changes due to isolation or recently strengthened border controls with Poland will not affect the free movement of goods and cargo, and cargo crews and crew members will not be detained or controlled at the border.

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