Creditinfo Lietuva has a new manager


Aware: 2020-06-01 13:52

Aurimas Kainskas. mons photo

Aurimas Kainskas has been appointed head of Creditinfo Lietuva. Linas Ereka, the company’s director, became a member of the company’s board of directors.

L. ereka, who was named chief last September, may have replaced Andri Bogdanovii.

A. Kainskas joined the Creditinfo team in 2008, and until then worked for the telecommunications company Omnitel. Until 2015, A. Kainskas headed Creditinfo’s customer service unit in Lithuania, in 2015 2018, the Creditinfo Group branch in Romania, and from last fall until his appointment as head of Creditinfo Lithuania he was responsible for sales at the North Region. A. Kainskas is a member of the Board of the Latvian Credit Bureau.

I am starting to run the company at a special time. Economic upgrade It is especially important for any organization to obtain the most accurate information possible to help make business decisions more accurately and quickly. Therefore, we will focus on the practice of automated services, using artificial intelligence, comprehensive information sources and innovations from the Creditinfo Group, A. Kainskas is quoted in the report.

1997 Creditinfo Group, founded in Iceland, offers credit information and automated risk management services worldwide.

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