Cranes are being built in Šnipiškės: construction of a new project begins


80 percent of the project. Construction is scheduled to be completed in one year, in 2022. I fourth The construction management will be handled by the Citus Construction group company, according to a press release.

“As the city grows intensely, the demand for housing remains at a very high level, both the city council and all citizens are interested in not reducing the housing supply – a sufficient” warehouse “does not allow that house prices are growing so fast. Therefore, we are pleased that the building permit issuance went smoothly and that we can begin work as planned, in the first quarter. In such a rapidly developing area Like Šnipiškės, interest in the project was very high, but until we got a building permit, we even “stifled” sales a bit. Now we see that everything is going according to plan and this is a good sign not only for the current ones, but also for potential Link Ten residents, ”says Mantas Galdikas, CITUS director.

Of the 114 apartments offered at the Link Ten house, 46 are currently reserved, representing about 40 percent. The head of Citus emphasizes that in a real estate market as “hot” as the one currently in the capital, the reliability of the developer is very important, a guarantee that the project will be completed successfully. Therefore, he says, the project will also seek a financial partner, whose participation in the project will increase the credibility of the project itself.

“Today, the widespread practice in Vilnius that houses are sold in houses that have not yet been built is no longer surprising. However, in an active market, there are also inexperienced players who cannot always guarantee the completion of the This undermines trust across the market. At the group level, we have sufficient financial resources to complete all projects on our own. With this step, our goal is to demonstrate that we are boldly engaged, not just with clients who have already reserved a home in the projects, but also with financial partners ”, says M. Galdikas.

Cranes are being built in Šnipiškės: construction of a new project begins

© Company photo

In two houses of energy efficiency class A + of 5 and 6 Link Diez floors designed by 2 Bricks | Architects, can choose from 1 to 4 rooms, from 28 to 88 square meters. m apartment area. The ground floor apartments have private patios and the upper floors have large terraces.

The project will also have commercial premises. A total of 120 parking spaces are planned (7 above ground and 113 underground) and 45 facilities for storing bicycles.

Link Ten is for young, energetic and dynamic people who are looking for a comfortable home in the city center and projects that speak to them in their language. Therefore, Link Ten’s communication will be youthful. Citus continues the tradition of exclusive project design and Link Ten is no exception. Its name encodes the names of the streets Linkmenų and Utena, at the intersection of which the new houses will be located, and the logo – the intersection of the streets themselves.

In the project, residents will find a high-quality and elegantly equipped patio where they can relax and work. All the patio facilities are designed specifically for this project and, although it will appeal to children, it will be more reminiscent of a modern space for Google or Apple staff: an amphitheater, hammocks and nets, hanging chairs, 6 m. skating rinks and canopies with electrical outlets for computers or other equipment. And it will be possible to completely escape the works in the almost finished Neris Senvagė Valley Park (

Figures and facts

  • Project management – Linkmenų st. 19, Vilnius;
  • Investments: around 9 million. EUR;
  • The total area for sale is approximately 5,512 m2. m (living space) and 378 square meters. m (business premises);
  • Buildings: 2 buildings, 5 and 6 floors, energy efficiency class A +; construction will be in one stage;
  • Designed by “2 Bricks | Architects, it will be managed by Citus Construction;
  • Number of apartments – 114 apartments;
  • Number of rooms and apartment areas: 1-4 rooms; 27.75 to 87.91 square meters m area;
  • Apartment prices: from 2250 to 2700 Eur / m2. m (apartments with terraces – from 3200 Eur / m2);
  • Number, surface area and prices of commercial premises: 9 units, from 27.6 to 56.5 m2. subway;
  • Prices of commercial premises: from 2,400 Eur / m2. subway;
  • The planned number of parking spaces is 120 (7 above ground, 113 underground);
  • Other solutions: 6-31 m2 M. m of patios for the residents of the first floors, 14 to 66 m2. m terrace area for residents of the upper floors, 45 bicycle storage;
  • Expected construction conditions: start of construction – 2021. I quarter, end of construction (80% of the date of registration of construction works) – 2022. I fourth

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