COVID-19 Update: Infection Strikes Welfare Homes, Major Business Outbreaks


Another 145 cases of infection were confirmed in the 108 counties of Telšiai and 96 of Taurag U of Utena. 32 cases have not yet been assigned to any region of the country due to lack of information. The regions to which to assign these cases will be determined after the epidemiological study.

An epidemiological diagnosis of 1704 cases is currently being made (1714 cases entered the NVSC system in the late afternoon or evening, so they are being investigated today).

Currently there are 268 cases (of those for which epidemiological studies have been carried out) where the circumstances of the infection of the individuals are not clear, that is, epidemiological studies have shown that the people did not go abroad and did not communicate with the confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

A new outbreak was recorded on Tuesday at the Kapčiamiestis nursing home in Lazdijai district, where 12 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded, eight of whom are residents and four employees.

A new outbreak was also registered in the “Šatijų dvaras” nursing home operating in Kaunas district. Yesterday COVID-19 was confirmed for five residents and an employee of the institution.

On Tuesday, 25 cases of coronavirus infection related to the outbreak were confirmed at the Marijampolė Correctional Center, and seven more cases of COVID-19 disease related to the outbreak at the Pravieniškės Correctional Center.

In addition, on the last day there were also cases of outbreaks related to outbreaks in Čekiškės welfare home, Ramučiai nursing home, Prienai nursing home, Kaunas “Vija” social care home, Suvalkija social districts in Marijampolė district, Dūseikiai social district located in Telšiai district. in the residence, in the social residence “Vilties erdvė” in operation in Mažeikiai, in the “Gemma” rehabilitation center in operation in Vilnius.

Another 13 cases of infection, confirmed yesterday, are related to the outbreak at a metal processing company operating in Šiauliai, where a total of more than 70 related cases of COVID-19 have been recorded since the beginning of December.

Likewise, 13 cases of contagion registered this Tuesday, according to epidemiologists, are related to outbreaks in a sewing company in Ukmergė, where more than 20 cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in recent days.

Yesterday, there were also two or more cases of coronavirus infection, related to outbreaks in a yarn manufacturing company operating in the Raseiniai district, construction companies and industrial goods trading operating in Raseiniai. Cases related to infection cases were also recorded in the food industry and industrial companies operating in Jonava, Kėdainiai, Kaišiadorys, Šilutė Telšiai.

On Tuesday, COVID-19 cases (two or more each) related to outbreaks were recorded at a dairy company operating in Rokiškis, a clothing retailer operating in Kupiškis, bicycle manufacturing and sewing companies operating in Šiauliai, as well as a metal processing company operating in Tauragė, Vilnius in a manufacturing plant.

Cases (two or more each) related to outbreaks in Kaunas District Eigirgala Kindergarten, Kaunas Rainbow Kindergarten, Kaunas Old Town Progymnasium, Kaunas Suzukis Primary School, Kaunas Kindergarten Klaipėda childhood “Alksniukas”, primary school, Utena primary school “Žiburys”, Ukmergė kindergarten “Žiogelis”, Raseiniai special school.

In addition, the COVID-19 disease cases (two or more each) recorded last day were assessed in connection with the outbreaks in the Kaunas city municipality administration, the Šakiai regional subdivision of the state forestry company, the Anykščiai district, Viešintai elders’ headquarters, Zarasai police station.

Outbreak-related cases were also recorded at Vilnius Republic University Hospital, Vilnius Mykolas Marcinkevičius Hospital, Kupiškis District Municipality Primary Health Care Center, Biržai, Pakruojis, Tauragė, Jurbarkas, Telšiai, Zarasai, Molėtai , Regional Hospitals of Ignalina.

According to currently available data, 243 cases related to outbreaks in families were registered in Lithuania on the last day.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

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