COVID-19 test detective: Vilnius woman ready to work abroad told how a positive answer turned into a negative


Tested for a new job abroad

Delfi’s girl said that she had recently left work in Lithuania because she had found a better offer to work abroad. However, to get there, he had to take a COVID-19 test before leaving.

“I worked the last days and prepared to go abroad. In order to leave, I had to take a test for COVID-19 and the most important thing was to obtain a negative result. As I am not sick, I have not had any contact with sick people, I have not walked anywhere and have spent time at home, my new employer recommended that I go to the mobile station and check in when I checked in that I had some symptoms. “

According to her, she received that advice, because then the test had to be done free of charge and it would have been calmer for Vilnius to go to work with a negative result.

“I went with my friend on March 11th. to the mobile point of Vilnius and was absolutely convinced that he could not get any positive results. I did that test and the next night I got an email response. Since I already had to leave on Saturday (March 13), I didn’t have much time to read those responses and only later, a few hours later, did they email me. letter, I got a call. “

When he responded, he was informed that covid the test response is positive. The Vilnius resident could not believe it and asked how it was possible and what could not be so.

“It just came to our knowledge then. They asked me if I really have that first and last name, or that phone and registration number. Everything was fine, but I said it can’t be positive. Of course, then they started to tell me that there are asymptomatic cases. and so on.

Then I told him that four months ago, in November, I was really very sick and that for the first time in my life my temperature did not drop for almost a week. It was very bad, I had to collect a disability certificate for the first time in seven years.

Before it aired, the doctor said I had to go get a COVID-19 test. Of course I did and it was negative, although I really had a lot of symptoms then, “he recalled.

After telling this story to the person who contacted you, according to Vilnius, the response was that such things happen and responsible employees have to take more action.

“They asked me who I was in contact with, where I was, where I could spend my period of isolation, and so on. I immediately replied that now I am not in good contact with anyone, that I have already left work, then I said that I had rented an apartment in Vilnius and that I had been living alone for the last week. I also admitted that I had contacts with my family, so I asked about the contacts of my mother and my brother. “

Hastened to search for information online

The girl assured that they then asked her where she could request the answer to the test she received because she did not want to believe that she was really ill.

“They told me that I don’t know anything and that no one will help me anymore, it all takes 10 days to isolate me and maybe after this period, if I am healthy, they will allow me to leave. After this conversation, I rushed to browse the Internet, who could I turn to, what should I do in general if I found myself in such a situation, etc. Later I turned to acquaintances who work in hospitals and they all gave me the only answer that I could no longer do anything.

Those I knew explained to me that covid testing is divided into two parts: public and private. It was night, I started calling all the private clinics in a row, but nobody picked me up because it was the end of the workday, and with my hands down I thought I would have to accept the current situation. . I thought I wouldn’t prove anything to anyone anyway. I also contacted a new employer, he assured me that he would wait as long as necessary. “

Test COVID-19.

Tested for COVID-19.

Still, the story continued, the next day she was woken up by a call from one of the private clinics she had called.

“They told me I saw a missed call and asked what question I wanted to ask. I said that in covid test and explained the situation I was in. The representatives of that clinic, after hearing my story, said that there was more than one of those cases. When people supposedly get positive responses, but when they get paid again, they already get negative responses.

Then, according to them, they turn somewhere and manage to avoid 10 days of isolation. All those words motivated me and I asked them when I could come to do a test and they had a place the same day. So, it is 11 pm I went there and did a test that cost 95 euros. That night I already had an answer, which of course was negative. That was the difference of two days. Kovidas somehow disappeared. “

Then, he told the girl, after receiving that negative answer, she started calling the Hotline and told him what had happened, asked what to do for her.

“I still received responses that I would not do anything else because I am in the database as a sick person and that I still cannot go anywhere with that negative answer, and isolation is inevitable. Then after a while, the person in charge calls me, asks me again about my contacts, where I am, etc.

Consequently, the information that I provided for the first time was not even verified. I realized that a sick person could drive and do whatever they wanted, without even wondering where they were isolated. Then I asked again if the answer to my test could not be proven wrong, but it was said that I could have been fooled in that private clinic. “

Advised to consult a family doctor

Finally, the girl explained that for some reason she was not called from Vilnius, but from Šalčininkai department, and said that in this case the only thing she could do was see her GP.

“If, after hearing about my situation, you decide that I am healthy and send that information somewhere, then my first test will be canceled and I will no longer be sick. But if you decide that isolation is needed, I will still have those 10 days. , not being able to leave, etc.

I was only able to contact my family doctor on Monday, so I contacted on Monday, got in touch, told me everything, and she decided to write that I was healthy anyway. Unfortunately, the information in the database was updated every Tuesday. So only on March 18. I was finally able to leave. “I had to sit at home on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays to no avail, because someone, as always, is wrong,” he got angry.

The Vilnius citizen also added that she was surprised by the way statistics on new coronavirus cases are compiled. He was glad that on March 13, when he had to go to work abroad, he was only reserving a seat on the bus, so he did not suffer any monetary loss due to the non-cancellation of the reservation.

“I just thought that my situation was no longer so terrible and tragic because I managed to come to an agreement with everyone kindly. Most importantly, and with a new employer, there are people for whom that departure can be very important and they can waste their money on such mistakes and no one will pay for it. For example, for paid tests, maybe for flights already booked, etc. And who will return? ”He asked rhetorically.

NVSPL does not record such cases

Delfi contacted the NVSC and asked them to comment on the frequent occurrence of incorrect detection of a coronavirus test response for the first time. It was explained to the news portal that conducting studies on COVID-19 is not the responsibility of the NVSC, it is the laboratories that do it, and the National Public Health Laboratory (NVSPL) must comment on these cases in more detail.

“The NVSC initiates an epidemiological study when it receives information from eHealth about a COVID-19 case. NVSC does not decide on the isolation of people with confirmed coronavirus infection. That is what family physicians do. Currently, the vast majority of cases are investigated within 24 hours. as the case is received by the NVSC “.

NVSPL, for its part, commented that the precision of the assay depends on the sampling, the transport conditions and the sensitivity and specificity of the reagents used. Also depending on the amount of virus in the body (for example, if it is very small, after a while it is already undetectable).

“If there is a need for adjustment due to the test results obtained, we suggest contacting the institutions / laboratories where a positive or negative test result was found. The NVSPL does not record such cases, but upon receiving some questionable test results, it repeats the test until a clear and unequivocal result is obtained that can be evaluated.

The percentage of erroneous results cannot be said, as it depends on the sensitivity and specificity of the reagents used. Note that the PCR method is considered the gold standard in diagnosis. “

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