COVID-19 Symptoms Have Changed: Researchers Found 5 New Signs Of The Disease


In 2020, a dry cough and fever were considered clear symptoms of COVID-19, and if there was still pain in the head and extremities, there was no question about the infection. A runny nose and a sore throat probably meant just a cold, he reports.

This is a simple way to describe how COVID-19 symptoms were distinguished from other ailments at the beginning of the pandemic. Subsequently, information emerged that loss of taste and smell is a virtually guaranteed sign of SARS-CoV-2 infection. This symptom is still relevant now: If you notice that you no longer smell or taste anything, you should first think about COVID-19.

As for the rest of the symptoms, the situation has changed a bit. Scientists identify them by analyzing biomarkers and the characteristics of different blood groups. In addition, the symptoms of the coronavirus can vary depending on whether the person with COVID-19 has been vaccinated, if the infection is caused by a new strain, if the patient is young or old, in good or poor health, or has other medical problems. . terms.

The New Top Five Symptoms

Data from the ongoing study in the United Kingdom (UK) on the latest symptoms of COVID-19 have been published. In a study called the ZOE COVID Symptom Study, infected people report their symptoms using an app. Based on the study’s findings, the symptoms of COVID-19 appear to have changed. This could have happened due to the delta strain, which now causes 99 percent. UK cases (based on data from July 12, 2021).

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What are the most common symptoms in people who are fully vaccinated?

It should be noted that both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals who used the app reported similar COVID-19 symptoms, according to the study website. “However, those vaccinated reported fewer symptoms in a shorter period of time, which means that they are less likely to develop a severe form of COVID-19 and recover faster,” the portal said.

It has long been known that the coronavirus can infect people who are fully vaccinated, but available data confirms that they tend to have milder symptoms and that vaccination prevents the severe or even life-threatening form of COVID-19.

The five symptoms of the coronavirus in the two people who received the vaccine now look like this:

COVID-19 Symptoms Have Changed: Researchers Found 5 New Signs Of The Disease

Many of these symptoms are often associated with colds. The possibility of confusing the two diseases is dangerous and may have contributed to the spread of the delta strain in the UK.

What are the most common symptoms in unvaccinated people?

Unvaccinated people experience slightly different symptoms. Although some of them are the same, there are also differences from the symptoms of about a year and a half ago, when only the virus appeared. Five symptoms of coronavirus in unvaccinated people:

  • headache;
  • Throat pain;
  • varvanti nosis;
  • fever;
  • incessant cough



Loss of smell was in ninth place and shortness of breath was even less, in thirtieth place. These changes may suggest that symptoms change with the emergence of new strains of coronavirus.

Let’s not rush to conclusions

During the Coronavirus Update website, German virologist Christian Drosten commented on the study results and statements made to YouTube by epidemiologist Tim Spector, who led the ZOE study. According to the virologist, something important was overlooked when talking about the symptoms.

According to the German, the order of the symptoms has clearly changed, and “more and more elderly people are vaccinated, and the study authors have noticed an increase in the number of young people infected with coronavirus.”

In young people, the symptoms are mainly reminiscent of cold symptoms: headache, sore throat, fever. The relentless cough, which was particularly common in the elderly, is now less common, Drosten said.

You are more likely to attribute these changes not to the delta option, but to trends in the vulnerable population, which are mainly the young, as older people are more willing to vaccinate.

“I think we should wait for more serious research on this topic,” said the famous virologist.

When in doubt, do your research

If you are not feeling well and you are not sure if you have COVID-19, the best solution is to take the test and stay away from other people until you know the test result. In that regard, Mr. Drosten and Mr. Spector agree.

COVID-19 Symptoms Have Changed: Researchers Found 5 New Signs Of The Disease

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“I suppose that was the additional purpose of the report: to remind the public, especially the younger ones, to be careful even if they don’t feel seriously ill,” Drosten explained. “And not to think: nothing terrible is just a cold.”

A recent Gutenberg COVID-19 study by researchers at the University of Mainz showed that more than 40% infected with SARS-CoV-2 did not even know they had the disease.

In an interview with Deutsche Welle, study author Philipp Wild confirmed that coronavirus testing should not be abandoned due to the small number of new cases or the high vaccination rate. “This is an important metric for monitoring the dynamics of a pandemic,” he said.

Vigilance and precaution are necessary actions, not possible, whether vaccinated, sick or examined. And precautions like good hand hygiene, protective masks, and staying 1.5 meters from others help prevent the spread of the disease.

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