COVID-19 students are also vaccinated in Vilnius schools: in one of them the vaccination team has been canceled


The Žemynas, Gabija, S. Daukantas and J. Basanavičius gyms in Vilnius kicked off the new school year by inviting their students to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Last week, vaccination teams had to visit these schools, where students could get vaccinated.

Did the parents object to the visit of the specialists?

However, the specialists did not go to all the schools where they were promised. The day before the stuntmen’s scheduled arrival, a notice appeared on the Mainland Gymnasium website that stuntmen would not be arriving.

The same message appeared in the group that united the community of the Continental Gymnasium, but here it was mentioned that the arrival of the professionals was canceled due to the opposition of the parents.

“Hello, at the request of the parents on September 2. skiepobus it will not be in Vilnius Mainland Gymnasium. Those who want to be vaccinated can do so in existing centers, “he writes in the social media group on behalf of the gym’s administration.

After the publication, there were surprising comments from parents that the school obeyed parents who were against vaccination, while others wished the teachers patience to teach the children of such parents.

The portal got in touch with the gym director Aldona Šventickienė. She explains that the decision to cancel the visit to the specialist was made because the gym simply did not inform its students about the possibility of getting vaccinated at school.

“Our students, fourth graders, third graders, second graders (twelfth, eleventh, tenth – aut. last.) – a large number of them have been vaccinated. The highest traffic would be for beginners (ninth – aut. last.), and for the first time only on September 1. came to school. We do not know these children and we do not have contact with them.

We contact second, third, and fourth grade students through the TAMO journal, and first grade students are not included in the TAMO. We have no contact and we have requested to cancel, ”explains A. Šventickienė.

According to the gym director, the specialists with the vaccines were due to arrive on September 2. 8pm in the morning, so it is doubtful that the youngest students in the gym can get vaccinated at that time.

“Especially because the first graders are not 16. and must come with their parents. We cancel for that, but our children are going to be vaccinated, we have a high percentage and we are not against it,” says A. Šventickienė.

However, the director acknowledges that there is some resistance from parents to measures to combat the coronavirus.

“There are all kinds of parents, so single. Today (we spoke on Friday – aut. last.) a parent came in after writing a letter about why we sent information for the test on Monday. I say that if you do not agree, mark it on the survey that you do not agree with the test and the problem is solved.

Many children after the first vaccination or the second days after the second vaccination are the ones we tested. There are isolated (parents – aut. last.), they write us letters, that’s what we laugh at, ”says A. Šventickienė.

Going back to school

The more options the better

On the same day, the specialists visited another school in the capital: the Gabija Gymnasium with vaccinations. The school principal Vilija Klimavičienė says that both the students and the gym staff went to get vaccinated that day.

The visit was well received by the school community, according to the principal.

“I think the more opportunities the better. It depends a lot on the family: if the family decides to get vaccinated, they will get vaccinated elsewhere. Another opportunity has arisen here.

It also happened that the children had already been vaccinated once, and the second time they had already been registered elsewhere and did not come here, ”says V. Klimavičienė from

The principal says that most of the teachers have also been vaccinated against COVID-19. According to the Department of Statistics, 80-89% of people are vaccinated against the coronavirus. According to V. Klimavičienė, the level of vaccination of teachers in the gym reaches 98%.

“Even if you don’t get vaccinated, there are some reasons, say the doctors’ recommendations. It’s not the case that he doesn’t want to be anyway,” says V. Klimavičienė.

The gym director says the school did not receive any resistance from parents due to the visit from vaccination specialists. Both parents and students knew about the possibility of being vaccinated, those who wanted to be vaccinated.

“We are so happy how we have used it,” says V. Klimavičienė.

Vilnius Gabija Gym

There would be no need for a second campaign of this type.

The vaccination team also visited S. Daukantas Gym last week. Gym director Jolanta Knyvienė says 10 gym students were vaccinated during the specialists’ visit.

The gym staff were also able to get vaccinated, but none went to get vaccinated, because, according to the director, they are all vaccinated.

“It just came to our attention then. We informed, calmly informed that if you are not 16 years old, you must come with one of the parents. Anyone over the age of 16 does not seem to need anything. Everyone was informed, both parents and children.

We asked them to say in advance what would happen, because we did not know how many they wanted, or there are those who wanted, they scored 10, 10 and were vaccinated ”, says J. Knyvienė.

According to the gym director, the school did not receive any complaints from parents outraged by the visit of the specialists. The reaction of the community was neutral, who wanted, accepted the opportunity to be vaccinated.

However, J. Knyvienė does not see the need for a second and the same campaign.

“I don’t see much sense, because we already have a lot of vaccinated children, 73 percent. At the gym level. I really don’t think we need more, unless before winter, if something changes and there are people who want to. We have to analyze the necessity, ”says J. Knyvienė.

Vaccination, vaccinations

Parents also came for vaccination.

The vaccination team also visited the Vilnius J. Basanavičius gym last week. Principal Fausta Gulbinienė says that nearly 40 students were vaccinated during the specialists’ visit.

In addition, several parents came to the school to get vaccinated. There were no vaccinating employees in the gym, because everyone who can get vaccinated has already been vaccinated.

Although some parents were positive about the campaign, there was also dissatisfaction.

“And with us, some parents expressed their opinion, both in society in general and in school. There was a report from our gym, those parents who spoke positively about vaccination. There are all kinds of opinions,” says F. Gulbinienė in

The gym director says she can’t say if another similar campaign would be needed at the school.

“I should ask the community if there are others who want to. It seems to me that the campaign was successful with us on Friday,” says F. Gulbinienė.


Municipality: visits will continue

According to Paulius Vaitekėnas, a media relations specialist at the Vilnius Municipality’s Department of Marketing and Communication, around 50 students have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in gyms in the capital in recent days. Several members of the gym staff were also vaccinated.

The municipality reports that vaccination in schools will also continue this week. The classical gyms Fabijoniškės, Radvilas, Žvėrynas and A. Kulvietis will be invited to be vaccinated.

“For people over 16 years old, it is enough for students to have an identity document, and younger students (from 12 years old) can be vaccinated only with one of the parents (the birth certificate or passport of the child and the identity document of the father or mother) ”, P. Vaitekėnas recalls.

The municipality reports that a team of health professionals on September 6. (Monday) vaccination at the Fabijoniškės gym (from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.), Radvilas gym (from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.).

September 7 Vaccination will take place at Žvėrynas Gymnasium (8 am to 10 am), A. Kulvietis Classical Gymnasium (11 am to 1 pm). Students will be vaccinated during lessons and breaks. Students from neighboring schools located near these gyms are also invited to get vaccinated.

In Vilnius, almost half (45.9%) of 12-15 year olds and three quarters (75.6%) of 16-24 year olds have already been vaccinated.
