COVID-19 spread in Švenčionys district hospital: if it continues, “everyone will get sick and the hospital will have to close”


On what is happening in the Švenčionys district hospital, 15 minutes said the doctor, who did not want to appear in public. The COVID-19 studies here, he said, were conducted for nursing and therapy room staff and patients.

COVID-19, to the doctor’s knowledge, was approved Sunday for all nursing staff and fourteen patients.

“The whole situation created a hotbed and a large one last week,” said the doctor, giving some examples that the institution’s staff did not assess the seriousness of the situation or did not take adequate preventive measures.

Photo from testing

Photo from testing

The patient with symptoms of COVID-19 was discharged home.

“A feverish and suffocating patient approached the admissions department on Monday. His medical history indicates that he lives with family members who have confirmed they have COVID-19 infection. I don’t know under what conditions, but it was prescribed, not stationary.

When the condition deteriorated, he contacted the admissions department again on Wednesday, <...> his COVID-19 test had arrived, it was positive. And he was admitted to the hospital, in the Department of Internal Medicine, “said the doctor.

The doctor supervising the patient, according to him, did not tell anyone for a while that the person with coronavirus was being treated in the room, so the staff visited him without any protection for at least an hour.

“The staff went to monitor that patient for an hour without normal and adequate protection,” said the hospital doctor.

For an hour without adequate and normal protection, the staff went to monitor this patient.

Later, according to him, this patient was transferred to the Vilnius Santara Clinics.

The masseur did not use protective equipment.

On Monday, a masseuse also visited the Nursing Department of the Švenčionys District Hospital, according to the doctor’s knowledge. He allegedly went to patients without great self-protection measures, and then masseurs were approved for COVID-19.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Mask

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Mask

“A masseuse came to the Nursing Department on Monday. Clearly, she did not know at the time that she had a COVID-19 infection. On Monday, she bypassed the entire room for all patients, gave massages, walked tea to get better. in other rooms and on Wednesday he received a response that he was also confirmed to have a COVID-19 infection.

No additional safeguards have been put in place to contact patients in a protective manner, ”he commented. 15 minutes the doctor was interviewed.

He related another case in which his colleague allegedly acted irresponsibly.

If nothing changes, they fear that everyone will get sick

“As of Friday, there is an instruction from the director, at least verbally, I have not seen the order anywhere that all patients must be admitted first to the Pediatric Unit because there are no patients in it. Until the COVID-19 answer, it is like a classification department: if the answer is negative, you can travel to the department it belongs to, if it is positive, then see what to do with it, either to send it to Vilnius or home, or Similary.

On Friday, a doctor who was on call for some reason put all the patients he admitted to the Pediatric Department, but for a reason he admitted him to a therapeutic unit. “The COVID-19 test came back positive and he died the same day,” the doctor said.

He feared that COVID-19 in the hospital would spread further: “If the work is done as it was done this week, everyone will get sick and the whole hospital will have to close.”

The National Center for Public Health has yet to provide information on the COVID-19 outbreak at the Švenčionys District Hospital.

“We have two fixed cases of contagion, only that so far the specialists have not indicated that the employees have interacted with each other, that is, we cannot say if the cases are related to each other, that is, say that it is an outbreak. . Epidemiological investigations are ongoing “, 15 minutes commented Justina Petravičienė, specialist from NVSC’s Internal Administration Division.

A. Lašinskas: apparently, there were asymptomatic cases

However, A.Lašinskas, the hospital director, claimed that there are new cases of COVID-19, but could not specify the number.

“The numbers cannot be specified yet, we are awaiting responses from the laboratory. But the fireplace is definitely there “, Sunday 15 minutes commented.

Photo by Tomas Preikša / Hospital

Photo by Tomas Preikša / Hospital

The asymptomatic COVID-19 form, according to the manager, was infected by hospital staff. This is how the virus spreads.

“The most contagious people are those who do not feel the first symptoms, this is what the chair says. You can protect as much as you want, and employees will definitely protect, but apparently there have been cases of this type somewhere. The Public Health Center is watching now, we are in contact with them, ”said A. Lašinskas.

After recounting the examples of the work of the staff contributed by one of the hospital doctors, A. Lašinskas stated that he did not know anything about it, but assured that the security measures were not lacking and that the staff used them in a disciplined manner.

Staff without security measures don’t really visit us, patients.

“We have saturated security measures, we are fully supplied, for a few months ahead. The personnel without security measures really do not go to us, the patients, they do not go anywhere without security measures,” said the director of the institution .

Plans to set up a COVID-19 unit

In response to the increase in COVID-19 cases in the hospital, a different regulation of patient flows was carried out here.

“Now we have divided the patients: where we know that they are positive, we have divided them separately, we raise the negatives separately to others even high so that they do not mix. Those who are positive will be given a flat so that no one walks, “said A. Lašinskas.

Photo by Rimvydas Ančerevičius / COVID-19 building

Photo by Rimvydas Ančerevičius / COVID-19 building

According to him, a special section for patients with COVID-19 should also appear in the institution. It should have about 30 beds.

“Now we are preparing that chapter. We are waiting for the Santara Clinics Infection Department team to come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, evaluate and then observe ”, said the manager.

According to data from the National Center for Public Health on Saturday, in the district of Švenčionys COVID-19 there are 185 inhabitants, one person has died.
