COVID-19 jumps again: 2109 new cases in Lithuania, 28 people died, including one person under 40 years old


A total of 64,621 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the country. 25,278 people recovered from the disease and 38,514 were ill.

512 of the new cases were registered in Vilnius, 472 – in Kaunas, 266 – in Klaipėda, 230 – in Panevėžys, 180 – in Šiauliai, 131 – in Utena counties. Another 94 cases of infection were confirmed in Marijampolė, as well as 94 – in Telšiai, 74 – in Tauragė, 42 – in Alytus county.

Another 14 cases have not yet been assigned to any region of the country due to lack of information. The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports which regions will be assigned to these cases.

Sigismund Gedvila investigation / 15min photo / COVID-19

Sigismund Gedvila investigation / 15min photo / COVID-19

Currently, 1709 cases have been epidemiologically diagnosed, the rest are currently being carried out.

Cases in which the circumstances of human infection are not clear, i. y Epidemiological studies have shown that people have not gone abroad, they have not reported confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 165 are currently registered.

Outbreaks in hospitals and nursing homes

Last day, outbreak-related cases were reported in Varėna, Kalvarija, Raseiniai, Rokiškis and Molėtai hospitals.

Outbreaks also continue in Kalvarija Care and Employment Center, Kvėdarna Nursing Homes in Šilalė District, Zarasai Social Care Homes and Jasiuliškė Social Care Homes in Ukmergė District.

In addition, on the last day there were cases of infection related to the outbreak in the Ukmergė Dukstyna basic school, where a total of 10 related cases were registered, including secondary ones, that is, family members.

Last day, a new outbreak was registered in the Muniškiai nursing home located in the Kaunas district, where 28 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed. The 26 people for whom the infection was confirmed yesterday are wards and two are employees.

A new outbreak has also been recorded in the Jonava nursing home, where 11 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed. All people are residents of this institution.

But a new chimney was registered in the “Remedas” nursing home in Kaunas, where the infection was confirmed for seven residents of the institution.

In Panevėžys County, a new outbreak was registered last day at the Likėnai Rehabilitation Hospital, where the infection was confirmed in three patients. In Utena County, a new outbreak was recorded at Ignalina Hospital, where infection was confirmed in four workers.

A new outbreak was also recorded at the Rusn in special school in Šilutė district, where three students and two employees were confirmed to have a coronavirus infection last day.

On Tuesday, a new outbreak was also recorded at Utena Aukštakalnis Primary School, where a coronavirus infection was detected in six students and three employees.

According to currently available data, 148 cases related to outbreaks in families were recorded in Lithuania on the last day.

There are 28 other deaths from coronavirus in Lithuania

The NVSC reports that 28 cases of coronavirus deaths were received from medical institutions last day. Currently, the infection has claimed 547 lives.

There were 7 deaths in Šiauliai county. The individuals belonged to the age groups of 30-39, 60-69, 70-79 and 80-89.

6 deaths were recorded in Panevėžys county. The individuals belonged to the age groups 60-69, 70-79, 80-89 and 90-99.

There were 6 deaths in Kaunas County. The individuals belonged to the age groups 60-69, 70-79, 80-89 and 90-99.

3 deaths were recorded in Telšiai county. The individuals belonged to the age groups 60-69, 70-79, and 90-99.

There were 3 deaths in Klaipeda County. The individuals belonged to the age groups of 70-79, 80-89 and 90-99.

2 deaths were recorded in Vilnius county. The individuals belonged to the age groups 70 to 79 and 80 to 89 years.

One death was recorded in Utena County. The person belonged to the age group 70 to 79 years.

In addition, 28 deaths were reported last day when people infected with coronavirus died from other causes.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

Hospitals treat 1,885 coronavirus patients, 148 of them in resuscitation. 1,060 patients need oxygen and 82 people receive artificial lung ventilation.

Currently, approximately more than half of the hospital beds are occupied: 9,094 of the 16,000. 651.

Of the 672 resuscitation beds, just over half were occupied, 395. Of the 624 beds that can be used for artificial lung ventilation, 239 are occupied, of the 6,207 oxygen beds, 2,384 are occupied.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Tube

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Tube

Last day COVID-19 pandemic indicators:

  • Number of new human cases confirmed in the last day: 2109
  • Total number of confirmed cases in specific individuals: 64,621
  • Number of deaths from coronavirus the day before: 28
  • Total number of deaths from coronavirus: 547
  • Number of deaths from coronavirus from other causes: 282
  • Number of people recovered in the last day: 1278
  • Number of people who recovered: 25,278
  • Number of people with coronavirus: 38,514
  • Yesterday samples were analyzed for suspected coronavirus: 10948

In response to the intentions of some residents to widely celebrate the main holidays of the year, the Acting Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, calls for responsible behavior. Otherwise, according to him, I do not rule out that About two weeks after Christmas, we will have a third wave of coronavirus that can become very uncontrollable.

Due to insufficient quarantine results, the Ministry of Health (SAM) proposes tighten quarantine rules and prohibit groupings of groups of more than two. It is also proposed to ban the spread of the coronavirus at temporary outlets. These restrictions will be considered by the interim government on Wednesday.

SAM has also issued an order governing COVID-19 lab testing. It is intended to validate methods for testing the coronavirus, including targeted and prophylactic tests. At the moment, they are not provided to members of the Seimas. You can read more about it – here.

Last week, a spread coronavirus was detected at the Danmink company’s tissue farm in Jonava district, and An emergency was imposed in this municipality on Monday. According to the services, more than 1.2 thousand people have died on the farm since last week, when the coronavirus was detected on the farm. infected tissues.

To stop the spread of the virus, 40,000 are expected to sleep. won. An emergency situation will compensate for tissue destruction.
