Covid-19 is also changing students’ spring internship plans: they are more afraid of family members


A first-year child pedagogy student at Vilnius University (VU) applied to the editorial office of The girl tells the editorial board that she is about to start a professional practice, but is afraid to practice because of the threat of the coronavirus.

Children of doctors working in Vilnius are offered to open three kindergartens

Fear of infecting loved ones

According to the student, it is already known that the practices, which will begin at the end of February, will initially be carried out remotely. However, if the government allows the country’s kindergartens to return to educational institutions, students will have to continue practicing there as well.

The girl points out that the apprentices will not be vaccinated. The fact that the institution where the internship will take place may request to come to practice the internship is of great concern to the student.

“Sharing my thoughts with the internship guide that I want to reject live internships in schools because the virus is a painful topic in my family and people living together do not agree that I would be among so many people rampant with that virus, the manager of practices offered no way out. The internship must be done, the evaluation must be written ”, the student writes in the letter.

The girl tells journalists that the issue of the coronavirus is very sensitive for her and her family. The student says that she has had many negative experiences with the virus and is under pressure at home not to practice live and not risk the health of her loved ones.

“So if I want to protect my own health and the health of my family, when I live in the same family and with my grandmother, can’t I study successfully? Should we opt for science and studies, but sacrifice health and family life? ”asks the girl in the letter.

Children of doctors working in Vilnius are offered to open three kindergartens

You can also practice remotely

Rima Juciutė, Head of Public Communication at Vilnius University, says that how the internship will be carried out does not depend on VU. This is the responsibility of the host organizations.

However, it is possible and permissible to find a practice location where practice would be allowed only remotely.

“During the spring semester, the internship will be conducted by many VU students immediately after anticipating that the internship will be conducted remotely. The student, understanding the environment in which he lives and all the emerging risks, has the opportunity to immediately look for an internship of this type, where he will be able to practice remotely during the entire internship period ”, writes R. Juciutė to tv3 .lt.

The University emphasizes that whether the internship will be conducted remotely or live will not affect the assessment: “Vilnius University assesses the competencies acquired, not the way the internship was conducted. As a result, both internships carried out remotely (which will be the vast majority this semester) and actual presence in organizations are treated in exactly the same way.

Furthermore, some students even want to do workplace internships on their own initiative as this gives them the opportunity to get to know the organization and its culture better. Organizations doing internships must also ensure that their staff and trainees have safe working conditions in accordance with current laws, so they don’t have to worry. “

R. Juciutė says that already during the first quarantine some students faced similar problems, when during the pandemic the company demanded that students practice in the workplace.

“Some of these students felt insecure about their environment and were unable to intern at the workplace. All these students, in collaboration with their department and the internship coordinator, were able to change the place of their internship or agree on individual tasks, the performance of which ensured the acquisition of the student’s competencies ”, comments R. Juciutė.

A spokeswoman for the university says the student did not apply to her college’s studies department.
