COVID-19 in Lithuania: 1113 cases diagnosed, 14 people died


11 thousand were carried out in the country. Molecular antigen assays 913 (PCR) and 7465 for suspected coronavirus.

The rate of new illnesses in the last 14 days is 100,000. the population reaches 516.9 cases. The proportion of positive diagnostic tests in the past seven days is 6 percent.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 236 thousand people. 533 people.

Statistically recovered and there are currently 213 thousand alive. 970 people, declared 169 thousand. 535 recovered. Statistically, there are currently 14 thousand sick people. 40 people, the declared number of patients reaches 58 thousand. 475.

The Department of Statistics considers that a person declared sick has a confirmed case and the end of the disease not confirmed by a doctor. A statistically ill person is one for whom illness has been confirmed in the last 28 days. After this period, the person is considered statistically healthy.

According to the department, the statistical rate of patients may be more accurate to assess the morbidity of the population, since among declared patients there may be cases in which a person is no longer ill but the GP has not confirmed the end of the illness. .

A total of 3802 people died in Lithuania from COVID-19. 7699 deaths are directly and indirectly related to this infectious disease.

Tuesday in Lithuania to confirm 1138 new cases of coronavirus, another 9 people died. Last day, 4,541 people received the first dose of the vaccine and 820 received the second.

The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) also reported that, compared to the past two weeks, nearly a third has grown number of active coronavirus infection outbreaks reported in trade. The number of active outbreaks in the manufacturing sector also increased by almost a fifth.

In Kaunas, a third of people have immunity against COVID-19 due to vaccination or illness, currently the highest morbidity among the young population, municipal officials said Tuesday.

According to data from April 20, the occupancy of hospital facilities for the treatment of COVID-19 patients in the Vilnius region reaches 85%, and resuscitation and intensive care, 90%.

According to Aušra Bilotienė Motiejūnienė, Director of Management of the Santara Clinics of the Vilnius University Hospital, which organizes the COVID-19 processes in the Vilnius region, due to the constant number of critically ill patients, a greater number of resuscitation sites are already appearing and intensive care. need.

In Anykščiai, 35 cases were identified when people infected an unidentified strain of coronavirus, Birutė Sapkauskienė, head of NVSC’s Utena department, said Tuesday.
