COVID-19, hostage “to redness” on the coast: doctors fall, coronavirus spreads in wards, infected people flock to hospital


According to unofficial data, more and more hospital staff are also ill. Prophylactic PCR tests were also performed in patients from the Department of Internal Medicine, but no cases were identified. Other rooms in the hospital are also being tested and patient visits are still prohibited. Visiting a terminally ill patient or a child under the age of 14 requires the permission of the ward chief.

“Šilutė is a black area. But our residents are probably not black because the streets are full of people walking like nothing. Like many of the coronavirus cases that we are currently registering they were not even during the first waves of the pandemic. During the first waves of the pandemic. on the day, 30 or more residents with positive tests are registered at the mobile point, ”said Viktoras Šileikis, director of Šilutė Hospital, about the pandemic situation on the Šilutė TV show” Friday Coffee “.

There are already two compartments for Covid-19

The Covid ward of the Šilutė Hospital has 20 beds, 2 of which have been resuscitated. Last Friday, there were already a total of 22 patients in the ward, 4 of whom were in very serious condition: two were resuscitated and two were in line. Oxygen therapy was used in all patients with coronavirus.

On Monday, 17 patients were treated in the COVID-19 ward, one of whom received artificial lung ventilation and the other oxygen therapy. 28 patients with coronavirus are treated in the Supportive Care and Nursing Unit.

COVID-19 hostage

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

According to the director of the Šilutė Hospital, the virus is currently very aggressive. Previously 50 percent. patients needed oxygen therapy, now 99 percent. There is much unrest about the small population of the district: the school year has begun and the number of infected people has increased. Children in educational institutions still have some protection under the supervision of teachers: they wear masks, but they do not wear masks outside of school, they communicate without keeping safe distances. Therefore, according to the head of the hospital, it is already necessary to isolate many wards.

Antivirals do a lot of damage

On Friday’s talk show, the director of the Šilutė Hospital also emphasized the great damage caused by antivirals to the health system. “Antiviral agents also cause a variety of problems: they deny scientific knowledge and, above all, they increase personal immunity. There is “nonsense” (madness, author’s note), “said V. Šileikis.

It is no secret that there is between antivaxers and teachers. And there have been situations both in the country and in the district where the whole class had to isolate themselves when such a teacher became ill. According to the head of the hospital, it is also difficult for parents, because isolated children have to be cared for by them. Parents caring for isolated children are also on the hospital staff. So the situation here, when there is already a shortage of staff, becomes even more complicated.

COVID-19, hostage

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

According to V. Šileikis, in the district only about 50 percent. students have consent to be screened by rapid test and units are vaccinated. “It is not logical that a vaccinated or examined child sits next to another in the classroom and not another. Such a system is not good,” he said.

Speaking of antivaxis, V. Šileikis shared a rather absurd situation from the life of our hospital. “The patient lies in the Covid room, the doctors fight for his life for a few days. As the condition improves when oxygen therapy is no longer needed, the young patient begins to work with doctors to treat him too slowly, his immunity boosts, which he says has “struggled” in the fight against coronavirus. And when leaving the hospital, that patient hits his chest and explains to the doctors that he will never get vaccinated, ”said V. Šileikis.

Liars deny the facts

It hurts, according to the hospital manager, and because such antivirals cured by coronavirus then spread completely false information. “In the Covid ward, the patients lie in solitary confinement, one in the ward. They do not receive any information about other patients who are being treated at the time. However, after leaving the hospital, the antivirals begin to spread information. even on social media that all vaccinated patients are in the hospital and have coronavirus, ”said V. Šileikis.

It is because of such liars that the Šilutė Hospital administration has been publishing information about the situation in the Covid section on its website and Facebook account for some time: what is the situation in the district, how many are registered, how many Covid are sick – 19 infected and vaccinated people.

“Let’s be honest, Covid-19 gets sick and gets vaccinated, but they get sick in a completely different way. They don’t end up in resuscitation and if they die it’s from comorbidities,” said A. Šileikis.

According to the hospital manager, those vaccinated have secured milder forms of coronavirus.

Works according to plan B

V. Šileikis admits that our district is one of the slowest to vaccinate in the county. The statistics curve increased slightly when we started talking about passports of opportunity. “Nobody thinks about the amounts that will be spent on treating patients infected with coronavirus. If before they were hundreds, now they are thousands of euros. And this is the money of our taxpayers,” said V. Šileikis.

COVID-19 hostage

© Šilutė news

Although health, according to the interlocutor, cannot be measured in monetary terms, so far we are paying for everyone. For treatment and testing. According to the hospital director, this procedure should change, and people who are skeptical about vaccines should be treated and tested on their own.

According to V. Šileikis, the middle-aged group is the most dangerous and the most damaging to society. Among them, most of the antiviral drugs that do not accept that children are examined or vaccinated are also hostile to the elderly of their relatives. This affects the most vulnerable sectors of the population, which have side effects and COVID-19 represents the greatest risk for them.

The normal functioning of medical institutions is greatly affected by such a complex situation. As you know, there is a return to the cancellation of scheduled surgeries in large hospitals. This means returning to a balance between life and death when patients do not know if the necessary surgeries will be performed.

Šilutė Hospital already has a shortage of doctors and service personnel. Employees are admitted to the Covid unit from other units, thus undergoing outpatient and cardiology treatment, and stopping scheduled surgeries.

“We work according to plan B, like during the war,” admitted the director of the Šilutė Hospital. When asked how much longer we will fight the pandemic, he said that there is no prophet, but it will all depend on the level of civilization. But we won’t have a really normal life for at least a year or a half yet.
A total of 323 people have coronavirus in the area.
