COVID-19 established for the Norfa Hall employee in Vilnius: buyers should contact the NVSC hotline


According to the report, the supermarket is closed and all of the store’s facilities are currently being disinfected. All store employees, without exception, will self-isolate for 14 days, as required by regulations.

Norfa exchanges information and cooperates with the National Center for Public Health and other institutions as a result of the situation.

“The closed Norfa will begin operating in a few days, when a temporary team of mall employees will form, who will have no contact with quarantined employees,” the report read.

As the National Center for Public Health later reported to BNS, the worker developed symptoms and sought medical attention.

“Currently, our specialists are gone and are working in that store. Evaluate who had contact, what contact they had. The sick person himself stated that he wore personal protective equipment at all times. As far as we know, this is a ward employee “said Ginreta Megelinskienė, Head of the Infectious Disease Management Division of the Vilnius Department of NVSC Vilnius on Tuesday.

According to her, customers could also have been in contact with the employee, so everyone who visited this store since June 1 should contact the NVSC hotline.

According to G. Megelinskienė, the infection of a Norfa employee may be related to the approach in the Santara clinics.

“A report has been received today that an employee of the Santara Clinics has also been diagnosed and is a relative of a Norfa employee,” he said.

A total of 1,727 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in Lithuania, according to official data on Monday. 308 people still have an infectious disease and 1,338 have recovered.

72 people died from COVID-19, and nine more died from other causes.

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