COVID-19 can be given to babies in the future


He recalled that Pfizer had previously been vaccinated against COVID-19 starting at the age of 16, but that additional studies had shown that the vaccine was also safe and effective in younger people.

“There have already been studies in both North America and Europe that confirm that the RNA vaccine against COVID-19 is safe and effective in adolescents from the age of 12. These are just separate stages of the research,” said V .Usonis in the program “Noticias del día” “Žinių radijos”.

According to him, the age poster established for vaccination may decrease. Clinical trials have already started to vaccinate children from 6 months of age. Therefore, the COVID-19 vaccine, like other existing vaccines, is likely to be registered in all age groups.

The benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks

It is well known that children develop coronavirus infection more easily than adults and are less likely to develop serious illness. However, according to V.Usonis, the risk posed by the vaccine is much lower even in children than in the case of diseases.

According to the professor, experience in fighting older infections has shown that natural disease tactics don’t work. “In the past, people would throw red parties to meet the kids and get naturally sick.

There has also been talk of chickenpox that it is not a very serious disease, let my son get sick naturally.

As a pediatrician, I always say, if we can protect a child from disease, why should we allow him to get sick? ”V.Usonis asked rhetorically.

The transition to childhood vaccination can be described as a kind of continuation of vaccination. The professor recalled that when the availability of vaccines was very low, the highest risk groups were vaccinated: the elderly in health and medical personnel.

In adult clinics, do your research and focus on the above, because the risk of disease is higher for them.

Finally, access has been given to children with a lower risk of contracting coronavirus, but there is also the risk of infection and its complications, if not for life, for the development and long-term well-being of the child.

Children respond better to the vaccine

In addition to this fact, V. Usonis mentions several other reasons why children should be vaccinated. Care must be taken to ensure that children return to school as safely as possible. Vaccination of minors is also important to think about building public immunity, a means of limiting the spread of the virus.

The teacher agreed that children’s immune systems are strong, but they are certainly not resistant to coronavirus infection themselves, and vaccines are very effective.

“Children respond better to vaccinations than adults. Almost 100 percent. Protection is after vaccinating children,” said V. Usonis.

The benefit-risk balance of the vaccine, according to the professor, is clearly in favor of vaccination. Studies show that side effects and side effects are less common in children than in adults.

“There are also known undesirable effects after vaccination in children. Studies show that children tolerate the COVID-19 vaccine better than adults,” explained V. Usonis.

As with adults, there are general contraindications for children when vaccination is not recommended. These are cases in which the components of the vaccine can cause allergies or immune diseases.

“Experience has shown that COVID-19 vaccines” behave “in children in the same way as previously known vaccines,” said the professor.

Doctor: The children were forgotten

Pediatrician, pediatric pulmonologist-allergist dr. Indrė Plėštytė-Būtienė said that in the face of the pandemic, an unfounded opinion was formed that the coronavirus infection is not dangerous for children, they even remained forgotten.

“Children have the COVID-19 infection. They just get sick less often and differently, but still get sick. Therefore, we must protect our children. Pediatricians shout that children and adolescents were completely forgotten during this pandemic. Adults could go to work, and I myself have two teenagers and they were closed all year. I will definitely vaccinate them because the health of my children is important to me, ”said the pediatrician at a press conference on Monday.

The doctor said that if he had to treat more than one child who was feeling long-term after COVID-19, he had a prolonged cough. The infection also affects children’s immunity.

“Multisystemic inflammatory syndrome is mentioned in children after coronavirus infection and many clinical cases of resuscitation without emergency care have been described.

An emotional psychological disturbance is also seen after a recurrent infection. It’s hard to concentrate, learning opportunities suffer. There are really too many manifestations of the disease and subsequent complications for children to get sick, ”warned I.Plėštytė-Būtienė.
