COVID-19 businessman Giedrius said: “Why this intimidation system?” | Lifetime


Posted on August 17 some 34 COVID-19 cases related to the outbreak at Kaunas bar “Patio Adform”. More than 100 high-risk people and another 1,000 people with low-risk exposures were identified.

Epidemiologists have admitted that this fireplace is one of their biggest concerns. On August 13, Giedrius Ambrazevičius, one of the owners of the UAB Agentūra Kaunas, which runs the Adform Keliselis bar, also received a positive test. 15 minutes He said that he and all the sick workers had been exposed to a mild form of the disease. The employer is likely to be infected after contact with a sick security guard.

Photo by Agency Kaunas / Adform yard

Photo by Agency Kaunas / Adform yard

Announced cured

Two weeks later, on August 27, G. Ambrazevičius publicly announced on his Facebook profile that he had overcome the disease: several negative responses to the tests were received. In his recording, the Kaunas resident expressed doubts about the dangerousness of the virus and the measures to combat it. Only by coming up close with COVID-19 did he change his mind and start encouraging people to throw off the yoke of fear.

“Officially, the deadly disease has been overcome! When I published that I was diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus that causes COVID-19, I received more than a hundred inquiries: how are the symptoms alive, what will happen now? I feel compelled to tell and share ideas and the course of the disease.

08.03 There was contact with the sick;

08.06 (+3 days) at night mild cold symptoms, temperature 37.2, mild cough and runny nose;

08.07 no temperature, cough and runny nose;

08.11 (+5 days after the onset of symptoms) no symptoms remained, but I did a test;

08.13 I received a positive response;

08.24 retest;

08.26 negative response and second test at 24 h;

08.27 second negative answer, officially recurrence of the “disease”, acquired immunity.

Of the 20 cases that I know of, most “relapsed” with very mild symptoms or no symptoms. In addition to the symptoms, this means that they did not feel anything, but instead checked the general order as if they had been in contact with the patient. Some patients were quarantined with relatives, but no viruses were detected in relatives. Does this mean that people living in common areas 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, have not been infected with this deadly virus, so easily spread, without using any protective measures? ”Giedrius expressed in the recording.

The statistics provided raised even more questions.

“During 2019, 38,281 people died in Lithuania (an average of 105 people per day), of which more than half died from diseases of the circulatory system, that is, 55.4%. (average 57 people per day) of all deaths. According to the NVSC (National Center for Public Health), the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in specific people today is 2,762, and the number of people who died from coronavirus was 85. In 6 months. some 10,200 people died of heart disease. It doesn’t take a lot of analytical skills to understand what the details are about. Even this year, the number of people drowning in Lithuanian waters exceeds the number of people who died from COVID-19. We are witnesses and hostages of a great lie against us. Time is the best answer to questions. It remains to wait and have hope. Be strong! ”Wrote G. Ambrazevičius in the post, which was distributed on August 27, illustrated with a photo with the inscription” Fake News “.

His message received more than 400 trusts per day, shared more than 330 times.

Comments were added after posting: some were happy that the disease was easily overcome, others were grateful for someone to keep quiet and express their opinion, and others agreed with Giedrius’s opinion.

“This chaos is just a wreck of the economy and people’s lives for nothing,” wrote one commenter.

Giedrius: “Why all this intimidation system?”

The journalist who contacted Giedrius heard the same doubts: “Seriously, a lantern is something here. It cannot be that 20 people are asymptomatic and do not infect family members. “

When asked if the businessman had such an opinion on COVID-19 after the pandemic began and the quarantine was introduced, he replied that the mood was really depressing in February, and when the virus paralyzed the planet and Lithuania, there was a feeling of uncertainty. .

“We were waiting, following the instructions and believing that it would all end. Half a year later, when COVID-19 became ill, when looking at statistics and practices of several countries in the face of the virus, the question arises: who is doing this whole intimidation system, why is it being done and what is the reason for all this Giedrius asked rhetorically.

G.Ambrazevičius: “Viruses and bacteria must protect themselves when they come into contact with them, not when they distance themselves from them.”

When asked what message she wanted to spread on her Facebook post, the entrepreneur assured her of the need to dismiss fears, start living and eating healthy, and beware of viruses and bacteria when faced with them, instead to distance yourself from them. The most important thing, according to the interlocutor, is to care for and protect those who, for one reason or another, do not have immunity, and there are much more appropriate ways to do this than “putting masks on everyone, destroying social relationships, drowning business.”

Photo by G.Ambrazevičius personal album / Giedrius Ambrazevičius

Photo by G.Ambrazevičius personal album / Giedrius Ambrazevičius

The course of the workers’ illness was not severe

Giedrius admitted that he had been suffering from ailments every few years until then: the temperature rose. You are vaccinated, for example, against the yellow fever disease, hepatitis, only by the stamp in the vaccination passport, when it is necessary to travel abroad by non-tourist routes. Asked if he was receiving any treatment, taking any medication after COVID-19, the interlocutor joked: “I was better gintoniką with ice. “

You are not aware of any case involving the Adform yard where the ill person was seriously ill or required medical attention.

“There were 16 employees, most of them have already recovered. We are in contact with some patients who are quarantined at home and have an asymptomatic or mild form of the disease. After posting a report of the disease in my post, several people wrote to me that they had similar questions. People are tired of all these lies and fears that we extract every day ”, expressed G. Ambrazevičius.

Requirements will continue to be met

When asked if he had any questions about the virus management requirements, he answered in the affirmative: we must comply with them because we are citizens of the rule of law.

“But it is sad that we live in a time when we are forced to act as servants, to whom the knight lowers instructions from above. As I mentioned, the general background is that people are already tired and no longer believe in bullying, ”said G. Ambrazevičius.

After detecting the first cases of COVID-19 infection in the Adform courtyard, he had to relocate up to 5 planned events in the bar, which aroused great interest. Move them into next year’s season.

However, we will implement an event to mark the end of the season. They will be “Other conversations”, during which the number of visitors will be limited, other instructions will be strictly followed, “said the interlocutor.
