COVID-19: 36 people die, 1,388 new cases are detected, the virus is not abandoned in hospitals, it spreads in daycare centers, among the dead and those under 60 years of age


Currently, 802 cases have been epidemiologically diagnosed (586 cases entered the NVSC system in the late afternoon or evening).

Cases in which the circumstances of human infection are not clear, i. and Epidemiological studies have shown that people have not gone abroad, they have not communicated with confirmed cases of COVID-19 and there have been 108 currently registered (of those cases in which epidemiological studies have been carried out).

77,426 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the country. 32,399 people recovered from the disease and 44,020 were ill.

Outbreaks in nursing homes, kindergartens, schools

Nine cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed on Monday, according to epidemiologists, related to the outbreak in the Department of Nursing and Supportive Treatment of the Skuodas Branch of Klaipėda Hospital. All individuals are patient.

Outbreaks also continue at the Vilius Gaigalaitis nursing home in Gargždai, where a total of more than 60 related COVID-19 cases have been recorded, and at the Padvariai nursing home in Kretinga district, where a total has been recorded. of 33 related cases of infection.

In Marijampolė County, the last day five cases of infection were recorded, which are estimated to be related to an outbreak in a furniture manufacturing company (15 cases in total), seven more new cases are associated with an outbreak in a sales call center of a company operating in Marijampolė.

New outbreaks, in which 2 related cases of infection were confirmed, were recorded at Vievis Jurgis Milančius Primary School, Vilnius “Kaštonas” Kindergarten, Klaipėda Kindergarten “Pagrandukas”, Klaipėda District Plikai I. Labutytė School basic preschool Department of Janynas, Šilutė Martynas basic school, Kretinga M.Daujotas progymnasium.

In addition, new outbreaks, in which 2 cases of COVID-19 were recorded, were identified at the Lithuanian Court of Appeal, at the Klaipėda branch of Lietuvos Geležinkeliai.

Cases related to outbreaks in families were recorded on the last day throughout Lithuania, based on currently available data.

There are another 36 deaths from coronavirus in Lithuania

The NVSC reports that 36 cases of coronavirus deaths were received from medical institutions last day. Currently, the infection has claimed 673 lives.

There were 9 deaths in Kaunas County. Subjects belonged to the age groups 60-69, 70-79, 80-88, and 90-99.

8 deaths were recorded in Klaipeda County. The subjects belonged to the age groups 50-59, 60-69, 80-88, and 90-99.

7 deaths were recorded in Šiauliai county. The subjects belonged to the age groups 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 and 80-88.

4 deaths were recorded in Panevėžys county. The subjects belonged to the age groups 50-59, 60-69 and 80-88.

There were 3 deaths in Alytus County. The individuals belonged to the age groups of 70-79, 80-89 and 90v99.

In Tauragė County there were 2 deaths. The individuals belonged to the age groups 50-59 and 70-79.

2 deaths were recorded in Utena County. The individuals belonged to the age group 80 to 89 years.

One death was recorded in Marijampolė County. The person belonged to the age group 80 to 89 years.

In addition, the last day 10 deaths were reported in deaths from coronavirus from other causes.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

More than 2,1 thousand patients are treated in hospitals. COVID-19 patients, 161 of whom were in resuscitation

2,154 COVID-19 patients are being treated in hospitals, 161 of them in resuscitation, the Department of Statistics reported Tuesday.

1160 patients need oxygen, 93 people are covered by artificial lung ventilation.

Currently, about half of the hospital beds are occupied: 8,470 out of 16,000. 632.

Of the 672 resuscitation beds, almost two thirds are occupied, 402. Of the 624 beds that can be used for artificial pulmonary ventilation, 233 are occupied, of the 6289 beds with oxygen occupied 2483.

Operational indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic for the last day:

  • Number of new human cases confirmed in the last day: 1,388
  • Total number of confirmed cases in specific individuals: 77,426
  • Number of deaths from coronavirus the day before: 36
  • Total number of deaths from coronavirus: 673
  • Number of deaths from coronavirus from other causes: 336
  • Number of people recovered in the last day: 1813
  • Number of people who recovered: 32,399
  • Number of people with coronavirus: 44,020
  • Yesterday samples were analyzed for suspected coronavirus: 7045
  • To date, a total of 1,343,964 samples have been tested for suspected coronavirus.

On Monday, 1,386 new coronavirus cases and 11 deaths were reported in Lithuania.

On Monday, the government decided to toughen the quarantine and extend it until December 31. Starting next week, primary school students go on vacation and, starting Wednesday, all older students move on to distance learning. Close contact between more than two families is prohibited, except in emergencies. It is also forbidden for more than two families to hold celebrations, which can be attended by up to 10 people. It is forbidden to rent premises for holidays.

Tighter restrictions at the points of sale: the smallest will need 15 square meters per person. meters, large – 30 square meters. meters. It is possible to fill a maximum of one fifth of the parking lots at the points of sale. Plans to reopen museums and galleries as of December 10 were dropped.

Lithuanian Delegate European Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius says the first coronavirus vaccines can reach EU members in three to four weeks. According to outgoing Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga, doctors and people at risk will be vaccinated first. Mass vaccination of people could begin in February or March next year.
