Corruption in Klaipeda Lyceum –


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Regina Kontautienė, founder, owner and manager of Klaipėda Lyceum, hopes to be able to prove her innocence in a higher court. Editorial file photo

The Klaipėda Regional Court examined and delivered a verdict in a criminal case brought against the director of the Klaipėda Lyceum, dr. R. Kontautienei. The woman was found guilty of all six counts against her for committing the crimes. For this reason, she was sentenced to two years and six months in prison, suspended for two years.

As a person equated to a civil servant, R. Kontautienė abused his official position and fraudulently acquired a high-value property right, misappropriated and squandered foreign assets entrusted to him and in his possession. He kept the accounts fraudulently and, as a result, it is not possible to partially determine the structure of Klaipėda Lyceum’s business, its assets, assets or liabilities over a period of three years. He also produced false documents, stored and used them, and as a result of his actions, the state and Klaipėda High School suffered significant damage.

The convict did not admit his guilt. His lawyer Giedrius Danėlius confirmed that the court verdict will be appealed.

R. Kontautienė assures that she does not understand how it is possible to deceive the high schools by deceiving not the people authorized to represent it, but their shareholder: herself. R. Kontautienė stated that she was not an official, but the founder, shareholder and director of Klaipėda Lyceum, and there were no municipalities, the state or its companies or institutions among the stakeholders of the school. The woman told the court that she had reimbursed the entire investment of the high school, so the body was not damaged.

In imposing the punishment, the court noted that R. Kontautienė acted intentionally and that the fact that he compensated the losses did not exclude criminal liability. Because the woman did not admit guilt, she shows that she is not critical of her actions and has no regrets.

R. Kontautienė, director of the largest private preschool and general education institution in the port city, operating since 1995, received the attention of the Special Investigation Service (STT) in October 2017. It was established that the director spent the funds from the high school (25 thousand euros) by installing two apartments that belong to him in Klaipėda and Neringa. He acquired services and goods in the name and money of the managed entity for almost 22,692 euros, of which he misappropriated, wasted high school assets for almost 6,881 euros. He does not forget the convict and his loved ones. So he bought a set of kitchen furniture for his brother for several thousand euros.
