Coronavirus worldwide: extremists take advantage of outbreak, UK eases restrictions


On Wednesday, the European Union established plans to gradually resume travel this summer in hopes of saving millions of jobs in the tourism sector, which were threatened by a coronavirus pandemic.

Travel restrictions imposed to stop the spread of the virus have had a devastating effect on the transport and tourism sectors. Continental airlines have been forced to lay off tens of thousands of workers.

The new guidelines, published in Brussels, state that companies will be able to require air passengers to wear masks, so that tourists keep a safe distance from the beaches, and even register in advance to use hotel pools.

Tourism is a key sector for the European Union as a whole, representing 10% of the gross domestic product and maintenance block of 23 million. Job positions

It is even more important for members of the southern Community, such as Greece, Italy and Spain, who are already overwhelmed by high debts and the effects of COVID-19.

“Today’s advice could be an opportunity for a better season for many Europeans, whose livelihoods depend on tourism and, of course, for those who want to travel this summer,” Margrethe Vestager, executive vice-president of the European Commission, told reporters. .

A clear sign of the crisis was the announcement by the world’s largest tourism group on Wednesday that it plans to lay off 8,000 workers. The company incurred more than $ 750 million in the first three months of this year. net loss of euros.

Gradually update

National governments make the decisions to open the borders, but Brussels asks the 27 members of the Community to coordinate the reduction of the restrictions. Such tactics should look different from the start of this crisis, when EU countries closed their borders almost without consultation.

The EU proposes a three-step scheme, starting with the current situation where most unnecessary foreign travel is prohibited.

In a second step, restrictions on movement between countries and regions with a similar epidemiological situation and the improvement of public health must be removed.

Achieving the third phase would remove all travel restrictions and border controls on coronaviruses.

How long this plan could be implemented has not yet been announced, but Brussels urges governments to take into account not only health but also economic and social factors when deciding to open the borders.

Germany plans to lift the border crossings with Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland and France starting June 15. Family and business trips may be allowed as early as next Friday.

Protective masks, pool reserves.

These measures will affect not only the economy, but also the summer vacation plans appreciated by millions of Europeans.

“It will not be a normal summer … but if we do our job, we will not have to stay home stuck in the summer or lose the tourism industry entirely,” said Vestager.

Leaving in the presence of coronaviruses should be significantly different from previous ones, and officials should take steps to minimize the risk of infection.

According to the recommendations of the EC, travelers must wear protective masks in public transport, on planes, trains and buses, as well as in transport centers such as airports or railway stations.

To maintain a safe distance between people, fewer passengers will be boarded in lounges, food service carts and restaurant cars will be abandoned.

Hotels and restaurants will be encouraged to limit the number of guests they can accommodate to ensure a safe distance between them, and there is a requirement to enter online registration for swimming pools or sports clubs for a limited time.

In order to closely monitor the epidemiological situation and quickly identify foci of infection, EU countries have agreed to ensure cross-border interoperability of contact tracing programs.

With the recommendations made on Wednesday, we are also trying to tackle the difficult problem of canceling the holidays.

EU rules give travelers the right to a refund for canceled transport tickets or package tours, but many tour operators and airlines that are currently struggling tend to return checks more than a lost trip.

To increase the attractiveness of such checks, Brussels proposes that they be valid for at least 12 months and that unused checks be refunded. In addition, checks must be protected against the insolvency of the entity that issues the check.
