Coronavirus was detected in the personnel of the Human warehouse in the capital: it had contact with 63 people


“She is an employee of the public company Humana People to People Baltic. The company is located at 6 Kibirkšties Street, it is a large warehouse with a large number of employees, several hundred at a time,” said Rolanda Lingienė, department representative. Vilnius of NVSC at a press conference.

The patient experienced symptoms of the disease on May 23, and two days later another disease was suspected at the outpatient clinic for which she was being treated.

“On June 1, the person applied for an ambulance when his condition deteriorated significantly and was transported to the Santara Clinics Center for Infectious Diseases. Currently, the person’s state of health is difficult, he is being treated in resuscitation, “said R. Lingienė.

Two exposed people in the family and up to 61 high-risk people in the workplace were identified.

Coronavirus was detected in the personnel of the Human warehouse in the capital: it had contact with 63 people

© DELFI / Šarūnas Mažeika

“A study of these people, both family members and 61 people at work, is being organized,” said R. Lingienė.

It is unclear where the woman became infected because it is impossible to question her due to her extremely serious condition.

“The epidemiological diagnosis in this case is very difficult,” said an NVSC spokeswoman.

According to R. Lingienė, on Wednesday, NVSC specialists visited the company and found that around 300 employees work one shift.

“Yesterday, the investigation of all people who had a high-risk exposure began,” said R. Lingienė.

According to R. Lingienė, it will be difficult to answer whether it will be a new fireplace. But depending on the severity of the person’s illness, as the NVSC representative said, “anything can be.” Furthermore, some of the exposed people could not be identified because the sick person could not be contacted about their condition.

“There is no early age, more than 50 years really is,” said R. Lingienė.

A case of importing from Germany into Vilnius County was also recorded: on June 2, a person arrived at the Kalvarija border crossing in a car carrying six people – four from the UK, two of them drivers. NVSC is looking for someone else from Dusseldorf, Germany who was driving this car.

A person diagnosed with self-isolated coronavirus upon return. NVSC does not yet have information that it has had close contacts with someone in Germany. In Lithuania, he had contact with another person, both isolated.

The second case of coronavirus imported from Nigeria was detected in Klaipeda County. The Ukrainian sailor returned from Nigeria last Sunday, where he worked on a ship, and then flew from Spain to Madrid, Frankfurt and Riga, from where he was driving a company car.

“He was accompanied by other members of the ship’s crew, about 14 people and the driver. The bus was rented from another company,” said R. Lingienė.

The person first felt the symptoms in Nigeria, so the NVSC will warn of risky flights as a matter of urgency.

Lithuanians who flew from Frankfurt to Riga on May 29 are also asked to contact NVSC.

As of June 1, four import cases from the United Kingdom, Sweden, Nigeria and Sweden have been registered in Lithuania.

The total number of infected reaches 1,687, of which 344 are health professionals, 344 are still infected, 1,273 have recovered, including 273 health professionals.

A total of 71 people died from coronavirus, and another nine died from other causes.

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