Coronavirus situation in November: 340 deaths, younger victims, outbreaks transferred to families


To stop the spread of the coronavirus, the government is again proposed to tighten certain quarantine restrictions.

According to Acting Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga, two new restrictions can be enacted: a reduction in the number of people allowed to meet in public places and a ban on advertising and discount sales that draw crowds to supermarkets.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

In addition, A.Veryga suggests to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports to think about the possibility of advancing the Christmas holidays of the students.

VIDEO: A.Veryga: Two new restrictions are proposed to stop the spread of COVID-19: fewer people and ban on advertising discounts

During September, only up to 2,000. cases

Commenting on the situation on Monday at a remote conference of the Ministry of Health, D. Razmuvienė, Chief Specialist of the Infectious Disease Management Division of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), said that 38 thousand new cases of COVID were registered -19 for three weeks of re-quarantine.

And this is more than half of the cases that have been registered since the beginning of the pandemic. In October we had up to 11,000 cases, throughout September we only had up to 2,000 cases, and in November, as I repeat, we already have more than 38,000 cases, ”said the NVSC specialist.

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Daiva Razmuvienė

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Daiva Razmuvienė

In the first week of quarantine, which began on November 7, 12,076 new cases of coronavirus were registered.

According to D.Razmuvienė, the second week of quarantine gave results: 12,283 cases of illness were registered.

And in the third week of quarantine, 12,238 new cases were registered. So that, as we can see, those three weeks do not exceed a greater number, “said the epidemiologist.

D.Razmuvienė stated that the fourth week of quarantine is expected to bring more positive results.

The NVSC specialist highlighted Utena County, where from the beginning of the pandemic in March to the end of October there were only up to 200 cases of COVID-19 in total. By November, 900 cases had already been registered.

In Alytus County, from the beginning of the pandemic until October 31, 212 cases were registered, and in November, more than 2000.

The structure of disease has changed

According to D.Razmuvienė, compared to September-October, the structure of the cases has changed.

In early autumn, dozens of cases of infection were reported daily in leisure facilities. They accounted for about 10-15 percent of all new outbreaks recorded.

According to the epidemiologist, this was a big problem. And the quarantine period made it possible to achieve a very positive result.

Luke April / 15min photo / Last Friday before restrictions on bar activities

Luke April / 15min photo / Last Friday before restrictions on bar activities

Currently, no cases are recorded in the leisure facilities. The most negative result, I would say, is that it is the diseases, the cases and, of course, the majority of the outbreaks that have spread to the families. If we look at that trend, it is actually growing, and currently the proportion of familial outbreaks is approximately 30 percent of all registered outbreaks of different nature, ”said the NVSC specialist.

The most negative result is that it is the diseases, the cases and, of course, the majority of the outbreaks that have spread to families.

For example, on Sunday, the majority (145 new cases) were registered in families.

“17 percent of yesterday’s are the so-called family outbreaks. As for buds in general, what has really changed is their structure. At the beginning of autumn we had outbreaks, let’s say, in companies, institutions, organizations, and they really showed a large number, and now, let’s say, yesterday, the number of institutions, companies, organizations is only 70, where new cases are registered. But they are not numerous, 2 cases, 3 cases each ”, commented the epidemiologist.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / Clínica VUL Santara.  Fight against coronavirus

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / Clínica VUL Santara. Fight against coronavirus

A coronavirus outbreak associated with the Marijampolė correctional facility is on fire. 60 cases of coronavirus have been reported.

In addition, in the Kybartai sector of the Marijampolė penitentiary, where, according to Monday’s data, 59 cases of infection were registered.

D.Razmuvienė affirmed that more cases of COVID-19 are registered in institutions of social care, nursing and palliative care.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Blinstrubiškės Welfare Home

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Blinstrubiškės Welfare Home

“There are probably no nursing homes where one or more cases of illness have not been registered. As established, in the absolute majority of cases, infections were brought to the institution and to the nursing home by employees,” explained the NVSC specialist.

Hospitalizations multiplied by five

Continuing to record a high number of coronavirus infections has created a tense situation in the country’s treatment facilities.

There are currently 1,858 COVID-19 patients under treatment in hospitals. 144 of them in resuscitation.

974 patients need oxygen, 93 people have artificial lung ventilation.

“The seriousness of the situation in medical institutions is determined only by the fact that if we compare, say, the situation at the end of October with the current one, then again the incidence has tripled, but the number of people hospitalized has increased. five times compared to the end of October. There is three times the need to treat patients in the intensive care unit. The need for artificial lung ventilation is five times greater and the need to administer oxygen masks to patients it is seven times greater ”, commented D. Razmuvienė.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / Clínica VUL Santara.  Fighting the coronavirus

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / Clínica VUL Santara. Fight against coronavirus

Many doctors are also sick. In November, doctors confirmed almost 3,5 thousand cases of coronavirus.

“The number of cases recorded in November alone represents 75 percent of all physician-confirmed cases recorded since the beginning of the pandemic. Currently, 3,675 physicians remain ill,” said D.Razmuvienė.

As of November 30, almost 5,000 cases of the disease had been registered in educational institutions. Of these, 55 percent are students, the rest are employees of educational institutions.

“Currently 2,060 children and 1,633 employees of educational institutions are still ill. From September 1 to November 30, 857 students became ill in higher education institutions, of which 612 are still ill, ”said D.Razmuvienė.

The youngest deceased is 30 years old

According to D. Razmuvienė, compared to the entire period of the pandemic, November saw an exponential increase in the number of deaths.

By November 1, 165 deaths from COVID-19 had been recorded. In November alone, 340 people died from the infection.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / Clínica VUL Santara.  Fight against coronavirus

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / Clínica VUL Santara. Fight against coronavirus

Also, according to D.Razmuvienė, November was distinguished by the fact that there were more deaths of people who did not belong to risk groups.

“It just came to our attention then. Also, the youngest person, who was 30 years old, died in November. Of the safe people who died from COVID-19 infection, 12 people were enrolled before the November 1, the beginning of the pandemic. In November 37 people who did not belong to the risk group died, “said a representative of the NVSC.

They were people under the age of 60. In addition, in November the death of the youngest person, who was 30 years old, was registered.
