Coronavirus outbreaks are reported in establishments and residences, affecting 105 people in families


Currently there are 152 cases (of those for which epidemiological studies have been carried out) of cases in which the circumstances of the infection of individuals are not clear, that is, epidemiological studies have shown that the people did not go abroad and did not contacted those confirmed. COVID-19 cases.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

On Friday, 17 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in connection with the outbreak at Marijampolė “Giedruma” nursing home, of which 14 are residents and three are employees. A total of 29 COVID-19 cases were associated with the outbreak.

16 cases of coronavirus infection registered yesterday are related to the outbreak in the Skemai welfare home located in the Rokiškis district, of which 15 are residents and one employee. More than 80 cases of COVID-19 related to this outbreak have been reported in the last month.

Another ten cases of coronavirus infection, confirmed yesterday, are linked to an outbreak in a social care home in Utena, nine of whom are residents and one worker. A total of 41 outbreaks have been reported in recent days.

Nine cases registered yesterday are related to the outbreak at the Varniai Nursing and Support Treatment Hospital in Telšiai district. All individuals are patient. A total of 22 infections have been linked to the outbreak, recorded since mid-January.

Yesterday a new outbreak was recorded at a construction company in Telšiai, where seven related cases of COVID-19 were confirmed. A total of nine infections were associated with the outbreak.

Another new outbreak was registered at a car repair company operating in Šiauliai. Currently, a total of nine cases of coronavirus infection are associated with the outbreak.

On Friday, the outbreak was also registered in a metal products company operating in the Klaipėda district. A total of five cases of coronavirus infection were associated with the outbreak. In addition, a new outbreak was detected at a wood processing plant in the Kretinga district; a total of three COVID-19 cases are associated with the outbreak.

In addition, cases were reported yesterday, according to epidemiologists, related to outbreaks in the Visaginas social care home, the Kazlų Rūda social support center, the Kalvarija care and employment center, the Padvariai social care home of the Kretinga district, the Macikai welfare home in Šilutė district.

In addition, COVID-19 cases have been reported in connection with outbreaks in furniture manufacturing and sewing companies operating in Visaginas, financial company in Vilnius, Vilnius heat supply company, utility company in Telšiai, service company Vilnius public transport, Klaipėda oil, wood industry, furniture manufacturing company, Vilnius food industry enterprises.

In addition, outbreak-related cases (two or more cases) were recorded in Visaginas kindergarten-kindergarten “Gintarėlis”, Kazlų Rūda kindergarten-kindergarten “Pušelė”, Klaipėda district preschool institution Klaipėda “Mini darželiai”, Klaipėda’s kindergarten-kindergarten “Giliukas”,

According to currently available data, 105 cases related to outbreaks in families were recorded in Lithuania on the last day.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

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