Coronavirus outbreaks are rampant across Lithuania: the situation is deteriorating in several companies


643 high-risk people were isolated the day before, out of a total of 53,482 people in isolation, including people with confirmed COVID-19 disease.

The cases in which the circumstances of the infection of the people are not clear, that is, the epidemiological investigations revealed that the people did not go abroad, they did not communicate with the confirmed cases of COVID-19, 68 are currently registered. It should be noted that these people name several places during epidemiological diagnoses, service stations, car washes, but indicates that the contact time is short and there have been no cases of infection from other people in those places.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

A new outbreak has been detected at the Addere nursing home in Trakai. A total of 19 cases of coronavirus infection were identified, of which 18 were patients and one worker. Cases were identified during preventive tests.

Yesterday another new outbreak was registered in the Department of Surgery of the Marijampolė Hospital: COVID-19 was confirmed in six patients. Epidemiological diagnosis continues.

Also on Sunday, a new outbreak was recorded in an accounting company operating in Palanga, where a coronavirus infection was confirmed in two employees.

On Sunday, a new outbreak was registered at the Telšiai wood processing company. Coronavirus infection was confirmed in two workers. Epidemiological diagnosis continues, in cooperation with the company in organizing preventive examinations.

Also yesterday there were cases of coronavirus infection, according to epidemiologists, related to outbreaks in the Kaunas sportswear manufacturing company, a food industry company in Vilnius, automobile trade and transport companies located in Kaunas, a sportswear manufacturing company furniture operating in the Švenčionys district.

The outbreak at the fish processing plant in Raseiniai district also continues. A total of five related cases of COVID-19 were reported. NVSC’s Kaunas Department specialists registered 59 low-risk people for coronavirus infection screening.

According to currently available data, cases related to outbreaks in families were registered in Lithuania on the last day 56.

In addition, the Kaunas Department of the NVSC provided answers to the most relevant questions on vaccination, serological antibody tests and preventive periodic examinations for the disease COVID-19 to the heads of educational institutions of the Kaišiadorys district and members of the Child Welfare Commission from the city of Kaunas during remote meetings. .

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

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