Coronavirus-infected theater director Jonas Sakalauskas: on places visited and resentment | Names


J. Sakalauskas felt the first symptoms of the disease on Wednesday, and on Thursday, after feeling a little better, he asked the Antakalnis Clinic for a coronavirus test. The theater director says that he did not know where the virus could be caught, there were no sick people in his environment, as he himself says.

Last weekend, J. Sakalauskas participated in two events in Klaipeda: “Blue Dinner” and the premiere of the opera “Flying Dutchman”, which also took place in the port city. However, you are in no rush to confirm or deny that you may have been infected at these events; he was here no more than an hour.

“My entire visit to the Blue Dinner lasted up to an hour, of which it was only half an hour before the stage, awaiting my departure. Then, six minutes on stage, with the main organizer seated at a table, greeting various people. Basically I didn’t fully join in with that crowd at night and celebrated with everyone.

I would hope that neither I nor I were infected there. Apparently there was very little contact and that contact was too short. The base was the scene and the one next to it. Well, it is difficult to say, now we will have to find out how that disease came about and it will be the biggest job ”, the theater director does not hide the frustrating situation.

He began to feel pain in his mouth and a throbbing in his head.

The first symptoms of the disease struck J. Sakalauskas on Wednesday: he claims that he began to feel strange sensations, which he had not felt before. At first there was an atypical cold, then pain in the back, mouth, stitches in the head and finally sensitization of the skin.

“I can smell and taste. I feel a little runny nose, my nose is a bit stuffy so I can probably feel a little less. Perhaps the main thing that I feel now is a strange throbbing in my head that I never felt. Well, and on the back, in the chest cavity. And it is not the interior, but where the skin areas are. The skin has become very sensitive, it even seems to burn, as if the sea were blowing you and burning the sun. Some strange feeling “, – 15 minutes the first symptoms were described by J. Sakalauskas.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jonas Sakalauskas

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jonas Sakalauskas

Then the man felt heaviness in his head, which he said would only occur due to the elevated temperature, and when she fell, the heaviness ceased. J. Sakalauskas states that he did not cough, he did not feel a runny nose, but on the contrary, at first he felt like a completely healthy person. It wasn’t until later, when anxiety about an unexpected change in well-being that made me feel better arose, that an investigation was done, but he was already feeling bad that night.

“It’s a strange feeling. There were no special things underneath. I did not cough, I did not run my nose. Well, I felt like an absolutely healthy person. I say that the main sensation was an atypical cold and a runny nose. Immediately on Wednesday, there was strange sensations that are hard to describe. Usually I don’t get that sick. It looks like a cold, but something a little different, my back hurts, a strange pain in my mouth, a strange sensation in my ears.

This caused me great anxiety. So on Thursday, feeling much better, I went to check it out because there was little to do. But after the study, I felt bad at night and again. It’s very strange, because the night was very hard-working, I worked at home, I was more organized, I had meetings by phone, it seemed that I had a lot of strength, and now I don’t have it at all, I go to bed ”, J. Sakalauskas describes his well-being.

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If a family member receives a negative response to the coronavirus, they will isolate themselves

The theater director will try to defeat the virus by drinking plenty of fluids, sleeping and resting. In his opinion, these things are key to overcome the disease more quickly.

“If you are sick, do not go anywhere and do not put the health of others at risk on the first day. Sometimes it seems like you accidentally feel bad when you blow, catch a cold, and there is absolutely nothing in an hour or two. However, it often happens that it happens and it can be the beginning of this disease ”, he assures.

J. Sakalausakas also visited the hospital on Friday. In it, he underwent a pathology examination. If the doctors decide that you can be safe only at home, they will discharge you, but if they find any changes and show that you need care, you will have to be hospitalized.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Jonas Sakalauskas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Jonas Sakalauskas

“I will be home alone with the children. They are currently investigating and if their investigation is positive, apparently everyone will be at home. If they are negative because they do not even get sick, I will have to go somewhere or be in the hospital. It depends on how I do. sit down. Or I’ll go somewhere, maybe tomorrow, to quarantine people’s eyes so there’s no contact, “says the theater director.

It is true that currently the investigation on the coronavirus is being carried out not only by family members, but also by the majority of people who have had to communicate in some way with J. Sakalauskas during these days.

“Everyone is investigating now, the National Center for Public Health has everyone in contact. In any case, they will make a map of the spread of the disease. Now investigating people who have had contact with me. On my own initiative, I did an investigation paid and private, and some of them will probably get an invitation and are now isolated at home, ”he says.

First the theater staff will be protected, then “Silva Rerum” by K.Sabaliauskaitė will be read.

Following the news of J. Sakalauskas’s coronavirus infection, the LNOBT was temporarily suspended. The premiere of the ballet “Giselle”, which was supposed to take place here, will be canceled and additional actions will be announced only on Monday.

“We will have to follow all the recommendations and requirements of the people who work with coronavirus. Until now, the theater is closed, nobody is working on it. We have disinfected all the premises and are waiting for more solutions. Now, apparently, the members of the team they will be reviewed according to plan.

Thank God I interacted with very few people on Monday and Tuesday. That circle is small, so I hope if I’m still the user who’s not sure where I brought it from, I won’t take it to the big bands. Unless the virus outbreak originated in the theater itself and it is not clear where you got it from. At least I think the thing came from the theater here because I didn’t have so many contacts. But, well, you can’t know ” 15 minutes says J. Sakalauskas.

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Jonas Sakalauskas

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Jonas Sakalauskas

During the long period of isolation, the theater director will long for summer more. As he himself says, he really likes to spend hot summer days by the sea, lakes, so this change will be a great blow to him. Still, he claims that this is insignificant compared to the theater, as to this day, attempts have been made for several months to protect the theater from a similar situation.

“We try to protect the theater for 4-5 months by all possible means. There has definitely been a tightening of the order, so I feel very uncomfortable with people, I really hope they are healthy. Now hobbies are the least important to me. I’m really hoping that everything is in order in the theater and I can calm down ”, hopes J. Sakalauskas.

The theater director emphasizes that stopping the theater will not reduce the number of plays in your life; there will be those who generally cannot stop. Due to the tense situation at work, he claims to be in constant contact and monitor the information, to support the people affected by this situation.

“I admit, it is very unpleasant to be the leader to be the one who voluntarily took the test, and it was positive. It’s frustrating because we expected cases to be rejected every day. Well, whatever you do, that life. Now it is important that people calm down because both theater goers and theater staff are really on edge. The most important thing is that they are safe and that will probably be the main concern of my head. Then I will be thoughts between the theater, myself and waiting for this time to end ”, emphasizes J. Sakalauskas.

Still, during isolation, the theater director will not only work, but will also try to be with himself. After all, he is constantly surrounded by people, then this period will become a kind of new experience for him.

“He really had no chance of being alone. I am surrounded by people, many people, 100 to 400 people with whom I agree in one way or another. I don’t know what loneliness means, being alone. I took K.Sabaliauskaitė’s book “Silva Rerum”, which I did not read intentionally during the works. But I hope to. Well now I’ll be alone with myself ” 15 minutes the theater director spoke about future isolation.
