Coronavirus in Lithuania: 546 illnesses diagnosed, 17 people died and 1,782 recovered


People ages 50 to 89 died of coronavirus last day

Last day, 17 people died from COVID-19, ranging in age from 50 to 89, according to data released by Statistics Lithuania on Tuesday.

A total of ten men and seven women died on the last day.

Most of the deaths (nine) were in the age group 80-89 years.

Five of the dead were between 70 and 79 years old, two between 60 and 69 years old and one between 50 and 59 years old.

The Department of Statistics indicates that “the number of deaths in the last day is preliminary and increases between 20 and 40 percent in a few days.”

General mortality statistics include five more deaths from coronavirus when the actual date of death is earlier.

These are five women. Three of them were between 80 and 89 years old, one between 70 and 79 years old and the other between 90 and 99 years old.

More than 1.4 thousand patients are treated in hospitals. COVID-19 patients, 161 in resuscitation

1,460 COVID-19 patients are currently being treated in Lithuanian hospitals, 161 of them in resuscitation, Statistics Lithuania reported Tuesday.

In addition, 1,094 patients are supplied with oxygen and 94 people are given artificial lung ventilation.

102 patients were hospitalized for COVID-19 on the last day.

A total of 2,668 beds were used for the treatment of coronavirus infection, 278 of them in intensive care units for resuscitation.

Of the 8,398 workplace physicians providing services to COVID-19 patients, 73 physicians are currently incapacitated from the coronavirus infection and 28 are in isolation.

For other reasons, 571 doctors are temporarily absent.

Due to COVID-19, 249 out of 13 thousand people are temporarily unable to work. 175 nurses, 46 in isolation.

For other reasons, 1,048 nurses are temporarily absent.

Operational indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic of the last day

  • Number of new human cases detected in the last day: 546
  • of which confirmed by laboratory diagnostic methods: 466
  • Total number of cases identified for specific individuals: 183,444
  • of which confirmed by laboratory diagnostic methods: 180278
  • This data is temporarily published according to the NVSC system. From 2021-01-20 they represented not only
  • Preliminary number of deaths from Covid-19 in the last day:
  • The deaths from Covid-19 were recorded the day before with an actual date from the previous one:
  • There has been an increase in deaths from Covid-19 during the last day (17 + 5): 22
  • Total number of deaths from Covid-19: 2,847
  • Number of people recovered in the last day: 1782
  • Number of people who recovered: 131 151
  • Number of people with coronavirus: 47,180
  • Samples were tested for suspected coronavirus during the previous day: 7258
  • To date, a total of 1,938,355 samples have been tested for suspected coronavirus.
  • The first dose of vaccine vaccinated the day before: 1019
  • A second dose of the vaccine was vaccinated the day before: 1729
  • Total vaccinated with the first dose: 72,604
  • A total of two doses of the vaccine were vaccinated: 23,172
  • Total pending second dose of vaccine (72604-23172): 49432
  • Total number of vaccines used (72604 + 23172): 95776

On Monday, 355 new diseases were registered in Lithuania, 19 people died, most of the outbreaks were detected in businesses and kindergartens.

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys announced on Monday that the scope of symptomatic testing for COVID-19 had decreased significantly.

According to him, this “opens the possibility of moving from symptomatic to preventive testing,” so that, for example, educators and specialists who provide psychotherapy services will be regularly screened for coronavirus infection.

In response to the changing situation, the government has decided that open ski slopes will be available in the country from Tuesday. The decision to open beauty salons and a few other stores is also promised this week.
