Coronavirus in Lithuania: 355 new cases of COVID-19 detected, 7 more people died, outbreaks registered in companies, educational institutions


943 high-risk people were isolated during the previous day, out of a total of 61,585 people in isolation, including people with confirmed COVID-19.

There are currently 68 cases of cases where the circumstances of contagion of the people are not clear, that is, during the epidemiological studies it was established that the people were not abroad, they did not communicate with confirmed cases of COVID-19. It should be noted that these people name several places during epidemiological diagnoses, gas stations, car washes, but it indicates that the contact time is short and there have been no cases of contagion from other people in those places.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

A new outbreak has been registered in the Marijampol sucur branch of the institution that provides advertising services. A total of 5 cases were registered. Of these, 4 cases were confirmed on the last day.

In the Marijampolė Vocational Training Center outbreak, a total of 3 employees were diagnosed with coronavirus infection. Of these, 2 cases were confirmed yesterday.

Yesterday a new disease was diagnosed, a secondary case, related to the Klaipėda Vision Education Center. A total of 9 cases are associated with this outbreak. 4 employees, 3 students became ill and 2 secondary cases were also confirmed.

The outbreak continues in the kindergarten “Žiburėlis” in Klaipėda. COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection) was confirmed in a kindergarten student and a secondary case was identified. A total of 15 cases are associated with the outbreak. 9 employees, 4 students and 2 secondary cases fell ill.

A new illness has been identified in connection with an outbreak in a unit of a security company located in Klaipeda. A total of 4 cases are associated with the outbreak.

In Šiauliai county, one case was recorded in outbreaks involving the Šiauliai sports gym and the logistics company. There was also a secondary case involving an engineering network and systems company based in Pakruojis.

Alytus County on March 11. A new case related to an outbreak was registered in a wood processing plant. A total of 7 cases are associated with the outbreak.

After a preventive examination of people, 6 new cases related to the outbreak were registered in a building materials company in Varėna. A total of 8 cases are associated with this outbreak.

According to currently available data, 52 cases related to outbreaks in families were recorded in Lithuania on the last day.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

People ages 70 to 99 died of COVID-19 on the last day

Seven people died from COVID-19 last day, ranging in age from 70 to 99, according to data released by Statistics Lithuania on Friday.

Five of the dead were between 80 and 89 years old, one between 70 and 79 years old and another between 90 and 99 years old.

All of these people died in hospitals.

The Statistics Department notes that the number of deaths per day is preliminary and can be replaced with records delayed within a few days.

A total of 3,373 people died in Lithuania from COVID-19. 6,801 deaths have been associated, directly and indirectly, with this infectious disease.

Most of the deaths from COVID-19 (1,210 people) were in the age group 80-89 years. The four dead were between 20 and 29 years old.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 204,356 people.

Hospitals are currently treating 857 COVID-19 patients, 90 of whom are in resuscitation.

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 857 COVID-19 patients, 90 of them in resuscitation, Statistics Lithuania reported on Friday.

Oxygen is added to 723 patients and 56 patients receive artificial lung ventilation.

73 people were hospitalized for COVID-19 per day.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 204,356 people.

According to the declared data, 50 thousand are still sick. 920 people were infected, but it is statistically estimated that 6,827 people should be significantly less ill.

A total of 3,373 people died in Lithuania from COVID-19. 6,801 deaths have been associated, directly and indirectly, with this infectious disease.

Operational indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic of the last day

Number of new cases in the last day: 355

The last 7 days average daily number of new cases: 428

The last 7 days change compared to the previous 7 days: -7.4%

Total number of past / present cases (of which laboratory confirmed: 198059): 204356

Statistical number of patients currently (declared: 50920): 6827

Statistical number of healthy people recovered (declared: 146141): 190234

Number of epidemiologically investigated cases per day: 829

Number of people isolated per day due to risk exposure: 943

Number of isolated arrivals per day: 2,488

Total number of people in self-isolation: 33063

The first dose was vaccinated the day before: 417

Second vaccination vaccinated on the last day: 674

Total vaccinated with the first dose: 241746

A total of two doses of the vaccine were vaccinated: 91546

Newly hospitalized COVID-19 patients per day: 73

Number of COVID-19 patients who have recently started oxygen therapy: 54

Number of COVID-19 patients who have recently started oxygen therapy: 54

Number of COVID-19 patients who have just started artificial lung ventilation: 3

Physicians temporarily disabled by COVID-19 (out of 8254): 3

Nurses temporarily disabled by COVID-19 (out of 12875): 27

Number of deaths from COVID-19 in the last day: 7

Total number of COVID-19 bugs: 3,373

On Thursday, 596 new cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed in Lithuania due to the COVID-19 disease (out of 8254), and nine people died from this infectious disease.

Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), stated that about 40 percent. The circumstances of the COVID-19 cases approved in February in Vilnius are unknown.

If you have any questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please send them to our editorial staff by email. email address [email protected]
