Coronavirus crisis: highlights of Tuesday


Spread of the virus. 15 new cases of the virus per day have been confirmed, the highest number in the last 10 days. Details of six unpublished cases have been released:

* Employee of McDonald’s restaurant in Vilnius Žirmūnai district. He last visited him at work on May 9, and the relatives are also ill. The restaurant is closed.

* Two employees of the Rimi production unit in the Vilnius Žirmūnai district. They visited the work on May 8 and 10. The unit is closed.

* Two employees of the resuscitation department of the Kaunas Clinical Hospital. In total, four cases have been confirmed so far in the chapter.

* Employee of the support staff of the Republican Hospital of the Vilnius University. He had no contact with patients or doctors.

Economic stimulus plan. The Ministry of Finance has presented an economic stimulus plan for the next year and a half. It provides an investment of 6.3 billion. of which 1,800 million euros The rest are accelerated investments already planned. Authorities say the plan will encourage the development of high value-added businesses and help Lithuanians strengthen their market share by reviewing Asia’s supply chains. Critics say the plan’s implementation could be hampered by the Seimas elections, and its content contains too many elements of public relations.

Quarantine mitigation. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis announced that the government intends to give permission on Wednesday to resume regular flights to Oslo and to approve a plan for the resumption of concerts, performances and other massive events in the summer. Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga says the number of people will be limited at the events, considering “approximately hundreds of people, not thousands.”

Procurement research. The Office of Public Procurement has announced that it is investigating ten acquisitions to purchase personal protective equipment and equipment to combat the coronavirus. The purchases of the Vilnius city municipality caused the most doubts.

Nursing hospitals. Nursing and supportive care hospitals have allowed some patients to stay longer this year. The Seimas approved amendments to the law that allow the exclusion of the emergency period and quarantine from the maximum period of four months. These services will be paid by the state, it will require around 1.7 million. euros

Train travel. Lithuanian railways will return 13 more train trips starting Thursday. More trains will run on the Kaunas – Vilnius, Vilnius – Turmantas – Vilnius, Vilnius – Trakai – Vilnius, Vilnius – Kena – Vilnius and Klaipėda – Šilutė – Klaipėda routes.

Calls to review the budget. The Head of the Central Bank, Vitas Vasiliauskas, stated that a revised budget for this year should be submitted to Seimas, which would reflect measures to mitigate the coronavirus crisis. The opposition is also calling for a budget overhaul, but the prime minister and finance minister say there is no such need.

Dental services. With the government allowing the resumption of dental services, approximately half of the offices and clinics opened in the first days. The main difficulty for dentists is the recommendation to work in continuous cycles to reduce the risk of the virus spreading. These data were provided to BNS by Alvydas Šeikus, President of the Council of the Chamber of Dentists of Lithuania.

Carrier requests. Representatives of the Linava Transport Association asked the Minister of Transport and Communications, Jaroslav Narkevičius, for state support to retain employees and leased cars. Operators say they are offering a five-year plan, but have not yet released details.


* Three cases of virus infection per day have been confirmed in Latvia and eight in Estonia.

* The President of the United States, Donald Trump, threatened to freeze funds for the World Health Organization indefinitely if “significant progress” is not made in the next 30 days. Soon after, the European Union expressed its support for this United Nations agency.

* D. Trump has revealed that he is taking hydroxychloroquine, a medicine used to treat malaria, although most experts say it is not suitable for fighting the new coronavirus. The President announced that he took one pill daily for a week and a half for preventive purposes. When asked why he was doing this, Trump replied, “Because I think it’s fine. I have heard many good speeches.”

* More than 100 million in Northeast China. people were isolated again due to an outbreak of coronavirus in Jilin province, where 34 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection were identified.

* The Kremlin has announced that Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will return to work after overcoming a coronavirus infection.

Important news not related to the coronavirus.

* The Special Investigation Service arrested Vaclovas Andrulis, the mayor of the Kelmė district, suspected of bribery. He is suspected of claiming 10,000. a € 1 billion bribe for favoritism in the municipal public space improvement project.

* The Minister for Transport and Communications, Jaroslav Narkevičius, stated that he had evidence that his parents had paid for the renovation of their house in Trakai, but had not yet provided it. The head of the construction company publicly stated that he had rebuilt the house a decade ago in exchange for help in winning public procurement.

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