Coronavirus crisis: highlights of the weekend


Spread of the virus. 19 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed over the weekend. Most of them are in Vilnius. Six new cases are related to the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, three with the Santara Clinics. Two cases were identified at the National Cancer Institute, one in a bedroom on 1 Pergalės Street in Naujoji Vilnia. Another case concerns the Antaviliai nursing home.

Two import cases were also confirmed over the weekend: individuals returned from Russia and Finland. Another death was reported on Saturday. An elderly man of honorable age from Telšiai, who was treated at Klaipėda University Hospital and had comorbid diseases, died. It is the 63rd victim of coronavirus in the country.

Compensation for damages. The Ministry of Health has reported that people living in COVID-19 or family members who have died from the disease can seek redress if it has been done in the course of providing personal medical care and could have been avoided. In each case, the patient’s health compensation commission decides the compensation.

Confusing information. Since the beginning of February, the Lithuanian Armed Forces have recorded 1248 cases of misleading information about the coronavirus in the country. Attempts to discredit and undermine the Lithuanian state and its efforts to stop the spread of the virus, the country’s membership in the EU and NATO, strategic partners and allies are criticized, the decision of the Baltic states to open the The country’s borders and citizens are hostile to the development of strategic infrastructure and 5G communication. The target of disinformation has become the Western media, which allegedly distorts the real situation of COVID-19 in Russia.

Klaipeda hospital inspection. The European Social Fund Agency found no violation after verifying how the institution managing the “Palliative Care and Family Health Center” of Klaipėda Hospital used the funds allocated for the project.


* More than 2 million new coronavirus infections, almost two thirds in Russia, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and France.

* In Latvia, 17 new cases were reported over the weekend, in Estonia – 16, in Belarus – 1895.

* Russia reported the highest number of COVID-19 deaths per day on Sunday, but there were at least three more new infections in one week. 153 deaths per day were registered, 8599 new cases of the virus were identified.

* China said on Saturday it had not registered a COVID-19 case for the first time since January, when the outbreak data began to be released.

* The United States continues to lead the world in both death and infection rates. 2387 new deaths were recorded over the weekend, with a total of 97,000 victims. In total, more than 1.6 million were registered in the country. cases of COVID-19 infection.

* France eases restrictions on its borders and allows migrant workers and family members from other European countries to enter, but requires that people from the United Kingdom and Spain be quarantined. Starting Monday, France will no longer carry out border checks and instead will launch random checks at various locations.
