Coronavir ravages the Elysee Palace in Paris: disgusted French conversation about the macrona virus


A new study by the prestigious Louis Pasteur Institute showed that France has been fighting a mutated coronavirus that has infected nearly 300,000 people worldwide in recent months. people version.

In other words, the country’s government may have successfully isolated the original virus from the spread of Wuhan and halted the spread of the COVID-10 infection.

Don’t trust the government

Yes, almost 27,000 still died in France. sick people, but scientists say the mutated coronavirus roamed the north of the country in mid-January. Not only that, it hardly causes symptoms.

This means that the government has entered into a fight with an enemy who appeared in the country earlier than expected at the beginning of this fight. Controlling the outbreak was obviously very difficult, if possible.

The French are rarely satisfied with their leaders, no matter what they do, no matter how difficult they are.

But the investigators’ report did not receive much media attention. French journalists are currently concerned about the constant flogging of the government, and the ratings of the Macron government are now down to 62 percent. Citizens believe that they simply cannot control the spread of the virus.

Scanpix / SIPA Photo / Macronavirus Protest

Scanpix / SIPA Photo / Macronavirus Protest

The government is not gaining confidence at a difficult time: the quarantine has eased somewhat in the country since May 11, and the process should inevitably be expanded later.

Why the French curse power so much? After all, for example, in the United States and the United Kingdom, where government mistakes in planning and fighting life with the coronavirus are much more serious and common, many people continue to enthusiastically support those in the power.

This is not the case in France. In part, we should talk about the characteristics of the nation and the distinctive French character.

After all, the French are rarely satisfied with their leaders, no matter what they do, no matter how difficult they are. In the case of the coronavirus crisis, there is certainly something to criticize, but isn’t it a folding stick?


Yes, there were mistakes. According to experts, Macron announced the quarantine a week late, and in France, the testing capacity only increased slowly, where, as elsewhere, protective masks and other measures were lacking.

Up to 11 million French citizens currently receive 80%. pre-quarantine wages: All costs are covered by the state.

However, the Macron government is actually doing quite well, as it is addressing an unprecedented, almost unknown and ever-changing threat.

France, for example, announced a generous program of economic assistance to citizens and companies long before other European countries. Up to 11 million citizens currently receive 80 percent. pre-quarantine wages: All costs are covered by the state.

Furthermore, the French have implemented the great idea of ​​transporting the most seriously ill patients to hospitals in remote areas on specially adapted high-speed trains.

Scanpix / SIPA photo / COVID-19 trains in France

Scanpix / SIPA photo / COVID-19 trains in France

In this way, the virus was isolated in the east and north of the country, and the health care system was not overloaded.

Finally, the government is not trying to outwit and accrue political dividends by informing the country about the fight against the coronavirus, especially if we evaluate nationalist seizures in the United States or the United Kingdom or the Dutch fight when discussing death rates.

An absolute stranger

Despite all these merits, in France the vision of government work is not so critical: there, anger simply overflows.

And it’s even dangerous: for conspiracy theories, of course, these months are a time of prosperity. Therefore, every mistake or change of position allows opposition politicians, including Marine Le Pen’s right-wing radicals, to shout that the authorities are lying.

Photo from Scanpix / SIPA / Quarantine market in Nice

Photo from Scanpix / SIPA / Quarantine market in Nice

So far, the country has received more than 30 legal complaints about alleged negligence by the prime minister, the health minister and other politicians in the fight against the epidemic. The coronavirus is already called the macronavirus.

Last week, the French Senate, the upper house of parliament, even voted in favor of a partial reduction of massive restrictions on public life beginning May 11. Such an opinion was only symbolic, but only reinforced the impression of massive distrust of the government.

It is also more difficult for E. Macron himself because he has not assembled a kind of tribe to cover him in any case. Yes, part of the British applauds Boris Johnson, and part of the Americans applauds Donald Trump.

Scanpix / SIPA Photo / Emmanuel Macron

Scanpix / SIPA Photo / Emmanuel Macron

Macron invaded the Elysee Palace as an absolute stranger: he is not a friend of the media that traditionally supports the right or the left. As a result, it will never look good to the majority of the country’s electorate. Or, it will always look bad.

The right looks to the left and both to E. Macron

But again, the causes of hatred can go even deeper. John Lichfield, a former correspondent for the British newspaper The Independent in Paris, points out that the French are very fond of abstraction and intellectual absolutism.

In France, more than 8% is spent on medical care. gross domestic product, probably the most in the EU.

They see everything as treason, conspiracy, or national disgrace. Suppose right-wing observers see the fact that hospitals lack beds as proof that the will of the nation is dangerously weakened.

For its part, the left speaks of the destruction of the French state by ultraliberal politicians.

AFP / Scanpix photo / French daily life during a coronavirus pandemic

AFP / Scanpix photo / French daily life during a coronavirus pandemic

And it doesn’t matter at all that more than 8 percent is spent on healthcare here. gross domestic product, probably the most in the EU.

The truth is that the decisions that led to a shortage of hospital beds have been made over the years by governments of the right and left, and have been linked to broader changes in medicine in recent decades.

“During this crisis, the rulers of almost every country are stumbling and stumbling.” But in no other country is there a gap between good government decisions and the cacophony of criticism of the government, “writes Lichfield.
