Coronavir crisis: highlights of Wednesday


Spread of the virus. Two new cases of coronavirus were detected during the day, both related to the approach at Vilnius Santara’s clinics: one employee became ill and another person interacted with a previously ill employee in a social setting. Hospitals are now treating 23 people, two of them on resuscitation.

End of quarantine. Quarantine for three months was lifted in Lithuania. After expiration, masks are no longer mandatory in stores and on public transport, but are only recommended. From now on, it will be easier for employees from Ukraine and Belarus to come to Lithuania: they will not be required to have two weeks of isolation, and it will be enough to obtain a national visa. After the end of quarantine, but as the emergency continues, it is possible to declare employee downtime and receive subsidies for their wages. Self-employed people will receive a flat-rate benefit for two months after the end of quarantine, while unemployed people can receive a job search benefit for six months.

New rules. Starting Wednesday, cafes and restaurants can be open for more than 23 hours, and wearing masks is no longer mandatory for staff working there, but is recommended. In tight spaces, the distance between people should be at least two meters, and if spectators and participants wear protective gear that covers their nose and mouth throughout the event, the distance between them may be less. In open spaces, a distance of at least one meter must be guaranteed between spectators and participants. For coronavirus infection, only those patients who have recently entered the hospital for elective treatment and those who enter social care who experience symptoms characteristic of the infection will be studied from now on.

Card payments. Due to the status of COVID-19, the limit for contactless payment card payments has been increased to EUR 50 and will remain in effect after the end of quarantine. The main VISA and Mastercard card payment systems agreed to this, and banks operating in the country reported on the decision.

Consumption habits. A survey of Lithuanians showed that one in five bought more online than usual during quarantine, and almost a fifth intend to continue buying more online. During this period, trade in the Baltic States in general e. in stores it increased by about 80 percent, and parcel flows in Lithuania grew by 54 percent. Such quarantine trends were revealed by a survey of the Lithuanian population initiated by the Versli Lietuva agency and customer analyzes conducted by the organization’s partners.

Fund Activities. The Consequence Reduction Fund COVID-19 established by Finance Minister Vilius Šapoka and chaired by President Dalia Grybauskaitė suspended its activities. During the three months of operation, residents and businesses contributed almost 822,000. For this, personal protective equipment, reagents and other medical equipment were purchased for the country’s hospitals and non-governmental organizations.

Work of medical institutions. The Health Minister, Aurelijus Veryga, has set specific deadlines within which medical institutions must reach specified volumes. Planned outpatient healthcare facilities have in July
start supplying at least 80 percent. of all the services planned to be provided. In hospitals, the volume of scheduled hospital services should be increased to at least 70% in July. Volumes of inpatient rehabilitation services up to at least 70%. of all planned services that will increase in August.

Tax rates. The government expressed support for the proposal to apply a reduced VAT rate to online media registered with Seimas, but expressed opposition to reducing the rate for non-prescription drugs and food and beverage services. Lowering tax rates is being considered to mitigate the effects of the crisis.

Vilnius stand. The Vilnius City Municipal Council decided to support creators and cultural organizations affected by the coronavirus crisis. Half a million euros are earmarked for this.

New medication The World Health Organization called a “life-saving scientific advance” a British study that showed that dexamethasone saved a third of COVID-19 patients with severe disease. R.Veryga says that Lithuania has enough of this medicine, and the decision on treatment can be made fairly quickly.

Vaccine development. The European Commission has presented a strategy to accelerate the development of COVID-19 vaccines. The European Commission will conclude contracts with individual vaccine manufacturers on behalf of the Member States. In exchange for the right to buy a certain number of doses of the vaccine over a period of time, the European Commission will finance part of the initial costs for vaccine manufacturers.


* In Latvia, six new cases were confirmed per day, two people died, and two new cases were identified in Estonia. Latvia’s main amusement water park, Livu Aquapark, has announced that it will resume operations this weekend. In Russia, 7.8 thousand were approved per day. new COVID-19 cases, 194 deaths, 663 cases and six deaths in Belarus, 506 cases and 14 deaths in Poland. The spread of the virus is accelerating in Ukraine, where 758 record cases of new coronavirus infection have been detected in the last day, with 31 people dying from the disease.

* More than 1.2,000 people have been withdrawn due to concerns about a new coronavirus outbreak in the Chinese capital, Beijing. flights, schools closed again.

* The government of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, fearing the resurgence of the coronavirus, wants to ban major events until at least the end of October. This was revealed by the official draft received by the media.

* In Sweden, the number of coronavirus victims exceeded 5,000. Sweden has significantly more deaths than neighboring Nordic countries, which have taken stricter containment measures.

* India has announced a record increase in the number of deaths from COVID-19 coronavirus infection by more than 2,000 to 11,903.
