Coronavir crisis: highlights of the weekend


Spread of the virus.. Six new cases of coronavirus were reported over the weekend. Four of them were registered in Vilnius County and two in Šiauliai County. Two cases involved an imported COVID-19 infection, a family member was infected by a person returning from Russia. The remaining four cases were registered in Vilnius, of which three were infected by family members and one from a social setting. Among those infected is a teacher, but he worked remotely and had only brief contacts with students who are not considered dangerous. Meanwhile, in Latvia and Estonia, no new cases of COVID-19 were recorded on the last day.

Fines. During the three months of quarantine, the police fined more than 3,000 in total for noncompliance. persons. Half of the minimum fine imposed on those who have paid fines in two weeks is 250 euros, and those who have paid delays are decided individually. According to Ramūnas Matonis, a representative of the Police Department, the most common violations were witchcraft, breach of isolation or lack of masks. Thirteen pre-trial investigations have also been launched for noncompliance with the Penal Code standards to combat epidemics or communicable diseases.


* Official sources released by the AFP news agency on Saturday show that more than 2.5 million people have been diagnosed in Europe since the COVID-19 pandemic began. cases of coronavirus infection, with more than half reported in Russia, the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy. The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection in Latin America and the Caribbean exceeded 2 million on Saturday, with more than half of them reported in Brazil.

* Spain opened its borders to residents of the European Union and the Schengen area on Sunday: residents of these countries are allowed unrestricted entry and are no longer required to isolate themselves for 14 days, and free movement through the border with France has been resumed.

Important news not related to coronavir:

* During the quarantine of 75 percent. The fight for evaluations favorable to 60%. President Gitanas Nausėda’s popularity declined in June, according to a survey published by Lietuvos Rytas on Saturday. Vladas Gaidys, the head of Vilmorus, says the president’s popularity has declined due to his low visibility in the public, while the ratings of Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga, who were in the spotlight during The COVID-19 fight has remained high since the pandemic. and 36 percent. Favorable Evaluations The ratings of political parties have hardly changed: opposition conservatives lead with 14.3 percent. the ruling “peasants” are second (13.4%) and the third Social Democratic opponents (9.1%).

* Media confidence has fallen to its lowest position in the entire history of observations since 1998. According to the survey, the media relies on 30.7 percent in June. surveyed and only 1.6% of them. points more than those who do not trust – 29.1 percent. V. Gaidys says this is a normal situation, in line with trends in the European Union, because people criticize the information received and “half of the negative half of the positive evaluations corresponds to Europe”.

* Lithuania will seek to increase the country’s tourist appeal in various markets: Germany, Italy, France and the United Kingdom, as well as Japan and China. The National Tourism Promotion Agency “Travel in Lithuania” is looking for who will represent it in these countries. The agency has already signed contracts with Aigo in Milan (€ 257.1 thousand without VAT), Travel Link Market in Beijing (€ 100 thousand) and Aviareps Tourism in Munich (almost € 300 thousand).

* At the age of 96, one of the most prominent figures in Lithuanian society in the United States, Stanley Balzek Jr., Honorary Consul of Lithuania in Florida, died on Thursday. The country’s leaders and ministers expressed their condolences for his death on Friday and Saturday. S. Balzek received the Cross of the Commander of the Order of Gediminas and the Cross of the Commander of the Order of Merit for Lithuania for merits to Lithuania.

* The European Parliament adopted a resolution on Friday declaring “the life of blacks” important and condemning racism in all its forms and the idea of ​​white supremacy. This resolution has no legal consequences, but sends a message of support to those protesting against racism.

* Belarusian police arrested dozens of opposition supporters and journalists on Friday night during the pickets to show their support for candidates seeking to compete with authoritarian head of state Alexander Lukashenko in the August presidential election, activists from human rights.

* State media reported that China will establish a “national security agency” in Hong Kong to oversee the implementation of a national security bill aimed at suppressing dissident activity in the city. The new law will also take precedence over existing Hong Kong law if its adoption leads to legal conflict, according to a report by the Xinhua news agency detailing the bill.

* The President of the United States, Donald Trump, held the first election campaign rally on Saturday after more than three months. Gathering his supporters at a highly publicized rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Republican president declared that he had nearly overcome a pandemic that claimed some 120,000 lives. American lives.

* Russian President Vladimir Putin broadcasts “Rossiya. Kremlin Putin” (“Russia. Kremlin. Putin”) said he does not rule out the possibility of running for the post of head of state again if the relevant constitutional amendments are adopted. At the same time, he stressed that a final decision has yet to be made.
