continued use of SAM is awaiting expert advice


“In this place, the ministry monitors the entire information field, all the knowledge of the European Union, but there is no rush to make decisions until we have factual information. The ministry has already shown that human safety comes first, even if it is not very beneficial for a single vaccine, but we will wait for the approved conclusions that allow some decisions to be made, health spokeswoman Aistė Šuksta told BNS on Tuesday.

“We will be guided by what the European Medicines Agency and the National Medicines Control Agency will say,” he added.

The minister’s spokeswoman said after a senior EVA official said in an interview Tuesday that there was a link between AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine and rare blood clots.

Marco Cavaleri, head of the VAS vaccination program, told the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero: “In my opinion, now we can say this, it is clear that there is a link with this vaccine,” although it is not yet clear what causes this. reaction.

For its part, the State Medicines Control Agency informed the BNS that the AstraZeneca vaccine is being discussed in the EEA’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee this week and that “comments will be available once the vaccines have been taken. decisions “.

In Lithuania and the European Union, vaccination with AstraZeneca was temporarily suspended in mid-March due to identified cases of thromboembolism in vaccinated people.

Since then, the European Medicines Agency has declared the vaccine to be safe and effective against COVID-19, so vaccination has been resumed.

However, the EVA stressed that it could not “definitively rule out a link” between a rare type of blood clot and a vaccine, and therefore carried out further research on these rare cases.
