Construction of the Lazdynai Basin to resume Business


“Much valuable time has been lost due to legal proceedings, bankruptcies of previous contractors. It is a matter of honor for the city to complete this object and open it to the citizens as soon as possible,” said Remigijus Šimašius, Mayor of Vilnius.

About 40 percent have been done so far. construction works of the basin, it is anticipated that the construction of the remaining part of the basin could take between 8 and 9 months.

“Over the next 10 days, bidders can legally challenge this decision, which they will likely do. However, we expect the complaints to be unsubstantiated and, under the optimistic scenario, work should begin in late February, early March.” said Povilas Poderskis, director of the Vilnius city administration.

When the contractor changes cities, the cost of the project will not change substantially. The value of the entire construction work will reach a little more than 20 million. euros.

The Lazdynai multifunctional wellness center will feature one of the most modern 50 and 25 m long pools in the Baltic countries. The eight-lane pool of 50 meters will be for swimming and 25 meters for diving. The center will feature not only a pool complex, but also training rooms and sauna areas. There will be 1,200 spectator seats by the pools. Visitors to the center will find modern changing rooms, modern showers and a parking lot for 105 cars next to the building. There will be a system of raised funds in the hazelnut washbasin, which allows you to modify the spaces, that is, depth and volume.

Investigate law enforcement

According to 2017 Lazdynai Basin was to be built by BUAB Irdaiva (which changed its name to UAB Active Construction Management) together with 4 partners operating under a joint venture agreement. However, BUAB Irdaiva in 2019. Following the October bankruptcy, construction work on the pool was interrupted. In January of this year, the FNTT launched a pre-trial investigation for possible fraud, falsification of documents and other possible crimes committed.
