Conservatives corner the Presidency: Sediment’s turnout is small, strange at least, delegation size inflated


Delphi I have a list of people who are going on a trip. The delegation consists of a total of 13 people – in addition to G. Nausėda, it includes two main advisers to the president, an ambassador, three advisers to the head of state, a specialist in the protocol department, a photographer, an operator and three guards of security.

Sentence: a delegation of this size looks strange

According to Matas Maldeikis, a member of the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union (TS-LKD) faction, so many people going to Porto in Portugal is irrational.

“It seems especially strange when a delegation of this size goes to the place where the issues of the social pillar will be discussed, about those people who most need social support. “Especially when we are talking about such a difficult time, when there is a pandemic, when we see growing social inequality in the world and with us,” said the politician.

He gave the example that German Chancellor Angela Merkel will not attend the event.

“We have the example of Germany, where Mrs. Merkel does not go, but the Minister of Social Affairs goes to that informal EVS, to deal with social issues, thus demonstrating that she understands what social policy is. And Lithuania is sending a delegation of this size, where it is not even very clear who has so many duplications (current employees – aut.p.). It seems very strange at that time, a delegation of this size ”, emphasized M. Maldeikis.

It costs, according to him, not only travel tickets, but also accommodation and other expenses.

“It just came to our knowledge then. In such an event, where there will be no more in the meeting, but according to the format it is only the Prime Minister and his adviser or the president and his adviser, (…) Lithuania goes with a delegation where it is not clear what they will do there, “said a representative of the TS-LKD.

Conservatives corner the Presidency: Sediment's turnout is small, strange at least, delegation size inflated

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

M. Maldeikis recalled how he himself worked in the Protocol Division at the Seimas. According to him, such a delegation could also cause transportation problems.

“The Lithuanian delegation of such size will look strange there. (…) There is no accusation here, it is simply an approach to the current pandemic, the social situation – when you are going to discuss social issues at a time with such a delegation. It is first and foremost a question of attitude and of how the same social policy is understood ”, added the parliamentarian.

Pavilion: the president’s involvement in small things is the least strange

This opinion was shared by the former diplomat, chairman of the Seimas Foreign Affairs Commission (URK) Žygimantas Pavilionis, who pointed out that it is customary to send very small delegations to these informal meetings.

“The objective of the informal summits (…) is to break with the delegations, from the capitals, to go to some wonderful place and freely discuss commitments or people who supervise sensitive issues that are difficult to agree on in that bureaucratic framework in Brussels and possibly find some new solutions, “he explained. Policies.

Gypsy Naus Gda

Gypsy Naus Gda

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

According to him, there is simply no need for additional staff in such cases.

“I understand that protection is needed, but the goal is to leave the leader alone. The big question here is what the rest of the delegation is doing, which is basically, well, drinking delicious wine in wonderful Porto or other restaurants. Their visit really costs a lot, ”Ž said. Pavilion.

At the same time, he drew attention to another aspect. According to the Seimas member, the prime minister, and not the president, should attend such a meeting on social issues.

“These are employment, poverty, reduction of exclusion, maybe even some tax issues, people should get involved there, leaving them without notes and delegations, they would represent their government’s policy like a fish in water, which they know well , “said the president of the URC.

Ž. According to Pavilionis, various solutions can be discussed at such meetings, which at the same time are unfavorable for Lithuania.

“The mere fact that there is a president present at this time that does not really reflect the provisions of the Government, he has a vision of a welfare state that basically nobody understands, I understand that he can speak calmly, but he has to understand that constitutional decisions that they must be authentically linked to democratically elected governments and parliaments, ”said the parliamentarian.

Sigismund Pavilionis

Sigismund Pavilionis

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Social policy issues, he said, are the exclusive competence of the government.

“That participation is the least strange, if not unconstitutional, of the small ones”, Ž. Pavilion.

He said he understood that the presidency had received an invitation to the event, however Ž. According to Pavilionis, he had yet to hand over the trip to the Prime Minister.

“If you get a letter at the wrong address, usually an honest and honest person knocks on the neighbor’s door and tells them they got the letter and what we do. Even if he thinks the letter was addressed to him, he sits down, drinks tea, and talks. As with Presidents Adamkus and Brazauskas, they sat down (…) and kindly decided who was going where. This should be the case this time too ”Ž. Pavilion.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė also made a laconic comment on the upcoming informal EVS on Wednesday after the government meeting.

“It just came to our attention then. The vast majority of the issues discussed in the informal council are those whose implementation levers are in the hands of the Government and the Seimas,” said the Head of Government.

The Presidency has repeatedly emphasized that it does not intend to hand over participation in EVS meetings to the Prime Minister. G. Nausėda also stated that he does not see the possibility of exchanging visits to the EVS with I. Šimonytė, depending on the topics discussed in the meetings.

On Wednesday, the Seimas Ethics and Procedures Commission acknowledged that the ERC and the CEC had exceeded the limits of competence by providing recommendations on the representation of G. Nausėda from Lithuania on the EVS. However, the ruling made no such decision. You can read about it here.

It is true that before the informal EVS this week, the Seimas committees decided not to issue a recommendation on what should happen in Portugal.

May 7-8. EU leaders will meet in Porto to discuss social issues. After May 7. An informal meeting of the EVS on social issues and the adoption of the Porto Declaration will take place at the High Level Conference on Social Affairs of the Portuguese Presidency.

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