Conservative L. Kasčiūnas does not want to declassify KGB collaborators –


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Conservative Laurynas Kasčiūnas, Chairman of the Seimas Defense and National Security Committee (NSGC). Photo of Elta

“It just came to our attention then. By the way, we have a proposal from that political force, which is often characterized by speeches in favor of the Kremlin,” Eltai said. December 31 declassify the data of registered, confessed and registered persons on the previous cooperation with the KGB.

By the way, this is not a new initiative, it was also discussed during the last legislature of the Seimas.

“It is a strange feeling that we are coming back to the same thing again, although the arguments have been made for a long time and it seems to me that the story should be finished,” said L. Kasčiūnas, president of Seimas NSGK.

Speaking of the nuances of this proposal, he stressed that the State’s commitment to the people occurred many years ago.

“The commitment was this: if you cooperated with the secret services of the USSR, but confess, become loyal to the Republic of Lithuania, give all the information you have, all the knowledge about the methodology to the KGB, we classify you in exchange for converting you in loyal. But, for example, if you want to dedicate yourself to politics, be judges, prosecutors, heads of state, then that information about you will be declassified. Such a safeguard was created: create a business, work in public function by the fact of that you have become loyal, you have passed the message to our security institutions, but if you go to politics, for example, they will make you public, ”L. Kasčiūnas said about the promise made by the state.

However, according to him, it should be noted that some of the former KGB collaborators have confessed, but there are some who have not confessed and Lithuania does not have its entire network.

“The network is in Moscow. We are the ones who are trying to make public those who have confessed and taken a step towards the Republic of Lithuania, although it is clear that they have made many mistakes and bad things in the past, but have taken a step towards the state and the state. has given them the floor. And those who have not confessed, will not be made public, because we do not have a list of them. It is such a distorted and incorrect form of this whole proposition. If it were possible to make everything public the world would be one, but we cannot make the whole world public, because we would have to turn to Moscow ”, commented NSGK President L. Kasčiūnas.

He recalled that the Seimas of the previous legislature had debated this issue, a working group had been formed and the list of positions to be published on the old cooperation with the KGB, for example the participation of MEPs, had been increased. L. Kasčiūnas said that he had proposed including diplomats on this list, but this was not accepted.

“I think maybe it would be possible to increase the number of posts in which it will be made public, but certainly not mass advertising,” L. Kasčiūnas told Eltai.

The members of the Seimas representing LLRA-KŠS Česlavas Olševskis, Rita Tamašunienė and Beata Petkevič propose to complete the purification process as of 2021. December 31, declassify the information and data provided by registered, confessed and registered persons.

To this end, a draft amendment was registered to the Law on Registration, Confession, Census and Protection of Confessors of Persons who Surreptitiously Collaborate with the Special Services of the former USSR.

The authors of the project assure that its adoption would publish all those (both confessed and unconfessed) who secretly cooperated with the special services of the USSR and “would forever overwhelm the shameful book of the KGB and the possible manipulation and speculation, especially before of the elections “. . “

The information and data provided by currently registered, confessed and registered persons are classified for 75 years and stored in accordance with the procedure established by law.
