Conflict over Russian music turned to violence: Kaunas resident sent behind bars


One of them, whom Armin J. did not know, refused to turn on the Russian music requested by the accused. He said, “What, Russians, let them listen to Russian music.” The conflict, which had little cause, turned into violence.

According to the data of the case, Arminas J. in 2019. on November 17, after midnight, he intentionally hit the victim with at least two punches to the head. As a result, the man spilled blood in his brain. Doctors managed to save the person’s life, but the injuries sustained were classified as a serious health disorder.

Real deprivation of liberty

The Kaunas District Court of First Instance found Armin J. guilty and sentenced him to three years in prison. Almost 4,000 people were convicted of violent Kaunas territorial health insurance funds. euros. That was the cost of treating the injured.

The court itself sentenced Armin J.’s own victim to 6,000. for moral damage. However, this verdict was appealed.

However, the Kaunas Regional Court, which examined the case, was not well acquainted with Armin J. The claims of the abuser and his lawyer were rejected. Therefore, the penalty imposed must be executed.

He did not plead guilty

The abusive man did not plead guilty in court. He said the victim does not know KL. And that night he was invited as a guest by an acquaintance, whom he took a taxi while sober.

The acquaintance had his son, another man, and the victim KL at home, all of whom drank alcohol. Armin J. said he sat down with a friend and talked to him. He was not drinking alcohol because he was taking medication.

Around midnight a person left, they stayed at four. According to the abuser, the victim was in front of the computer. For about the first half of the two nights, Armin J. asked the victim for Russian music.

According to the defendant, he replied: “What, Russians, who listen to Russian music.” Then he said that the music would become himself. He approached the sofa on which the victim was sitting, who did not allow him to turn on the music he wanted.

This allegedly led to a dispute. Armin J. said he pushed the victim with his left hand, but remained seated on the sofa. The defendant stressed that he did not use any physical violence against the victim.

Armin J. said that it was all over and that it was around 2 pm He left the apartment at night and did not see the victim again. When he left, only the owner of the apartment and his son stayed at the friend’s house. The victim allegedly also came out.

The next day, he learned that KL had called an ambulance. And a few days later they called him. When asked how he could help, Armin J. was told that 3,000 responded. That is the end of your conversation.

Arminas J. realized that after paying 3,000. the victim will not write a statement to the police. In court, the abuser reiterated that he did not know why the victim was blaming him in particular.

He was aggressive

The victim told the court that it all started with the owner of the apartment, who, affected by alcohol, began to shake his fists around him. He said it was stupid enough to annoy him, but he didn’t dare to attack.

Then, according to the victim, Armin J. initially said to play Russian music. He replied that he did not listen to Russian music or advise others. Armin J., according to the victim, was very aggressive from the beginning.

The victim believes that the aggressive behavior of the apartment owner has instigated Armin J.’s behavior and violence against him. When he approached him, Armin J. tried to turn on the computer, he beat him, the threats began: what he does here, who he is, it is said that he even calls a taxi and takes him to the forest.

The victim said she did not want to communicate, which greatly angered Armin J. The conflict arose because the victim was allegedly obstructed. He tried to reassure Armin J., but Armin J. hit him on the head with more fury.

The victim told the defendant after the first hit that he would have to forgive this, and then, according to KL, it was just the beginning. The wounded man said he had received more than two blows, perhaps as many as twenty.

In Paris, the victim fell ill, went to the courtyard and called an ambulance. They took him to the Kaunas clinics and operated on the same day. The man said that he felt good before the event and that now going up to the 4th floor he already has to rest.

After the injuries, he said, his memory has recovered, but there is no physical strength, so after walking and a short distance he feels tired. The man reiterated that it was the owner’s behavior that triggered Armin J.
