Conditions for the work of traders have been clarified: no exceptions have been made for small traders


As stated in the draft: the operation of shops is prohibited, including shops in shopping and / or entertainment centers, markets and other public outlets. This prohibition does not apply to: stores (including stores in shopping and / or entertainment centers) whose main activity is the sale of technical veterinary, pharmaceutical, optical and orthopedic equipment; food trade in markets and other public outlets; online trading and when the goods are delivered to natural and legal persons or collected at collection points.

Also adjusted by area per buyer.

Stores, including shopping and / or entertainment centers, markets and other public outlets, whose activities are not prohibited, must be 15 m2. meter. the commercial space is served to a visitor or more than one person is not served at a time and other conditions are guaranteed to manage traffic flows, maintain a safe distance, the necessary public health, safety, hygiene, provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment established by the manager of emergency operations at the state level ”,.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė acknowledged that the new restrictions create inequalities in competition: small retailers are not forced to close and large retail chains are not.

“Smaller companies are said to distort competition as smaller ones don’t restrict food, but larger ones have a wide range, including non-food items. In the spring and it was raised, but no one found a good solution And so it was: there are countries that list what is necessary, there are neighbors where non-food trade is not allowed on the weekend, but then it is necessary to specify how many non-food products and which ones: household appliances. Certainly, there is an uneven playing field It is difficult to find a logical solution because no one found it half a year ago. I don’t know if we will be able to find it in today’s meeting, “said I. Šimonytė.

It was supported by other ministers. The Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė emphasized that the most important thing now is to provide urgent support.

“It just came to our notice then. I think none of us present at this meeting are very happy to accept and acknowledge that the little ones will be affected, but now take additional repressive measures and wrap the STOP tape in shampoos or other products in the big ones. stores would apparently be even more out there. energy. “We are working in the Ministry of Economy and others to start faster with business support measures, which will be aimed mainly at small and medium-sized enterprises,” he said, adding that this is not the best solution, but now quick fixes are needed.

It is stated that if a better measure is designed, the law would change.

I. Šimonytė also specified that the outdoor trade of Christmas trees will be allowed.

Adjusted for length of service, hair salons

It is expected that the provision of beauty services and others that require more than 15 minutes of contact between the supplier and the recipient will be prohibited.

As many questions were received about the activities of the hairdressers, I. Šimonytė clarified that in this regard, beauty services were specifically named and then other services that require more than 15 minutes of contact.

As written, this prohibition does not apply to medical rehabilitation services, psychological assistance and psychotherapy services, legal services provided by lawyers, financial services.

During the meeting, it was asked whether it would be possible to use rehabilitation services in sanatoriums. I. Šimonytė emphasized that it would only be possible if there was a referral from a doctor. For example, a person has had surgery and needs urgent rehabilitation. According to her, her pleasure will not be possible without the services of a doctor.

“In places of provision of services, which are not prohibited by this Resolution (except for places of provision of accommodation services), 10 m2 M. meter. the area of ​​provision of services per visitor or no more than one person is attended at a time and the management of the flow of personnel of the manager of emergency operations at the state level, compliance with the safe distance, security measures and necessary public health hygiene ”, reads the project.

I. Šimonytė specified that auto repair services could be provided.

“Basically those services that do not require close contact, and in car service it is possible to avoid close contact, if you leave the car keys and pay by bank transfer or card, then those services can really be applied,” said I Šimonytė.

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