Comrades do not cry for the departure of R. Karbauskis: the president of LVŽS promises to visit the Seimas more


According to A.Širinskienė, he is not saddened by the resignation of R. Karbauskis, because there was no other way to change the position of the rulers.

“It just came to our attention then. <...> There was no other way: how to draw the post’s attention to the ongoing destruction. On the other hand, today we see, and at night we have seen, the calls from Mr Jurgis Razma asking for a debate on all the posts that have been abolished. This confirms that all that happened was the revenge of the rulers against R. Karbauskis. In this case, when there is no longer an object of vengeance, the rulers begin to behave differently. <...> I think we’ll only get stronger with that, “he said.

“Valstietė” confirmed that he knew of the leader’s resignation before, but did not specify how early. At the same time, A.Širinskienė said that the party chairman would continue to visit the Seimas.

VIDEO: A.Širinskienė is not saddened by the departure of R. Karbauskis: “from then on we will only be stronger”

“I have no doubt that the group will communicate with the party president, the connection will be maintained. We speak today, he will be a frequent guest in the faction, there are council meetings, there are other formats, ”said A. Širinskienė.

The outgoing Minister of Health, A.Veryga, assured that the resignation of R. Karbauskis should not be treated as a betrayal of the voters.

“Of course, it’s not funny when a colleague from the faction leaves the Seimas. Especially if he’s the leader of the party, the leader. Well, what are you going to do? <...> We have to understand that he is not leaving Lithuania, he will be here, let’s face it, he is not going to disappear anywhere. Only there will be no salon at the Seimas, “said A. Veryga.

VIDEO: A.Veryga: not all members of the faction supported the resignation of R. Karbauskis to the Seimas

“I believe that when voters vote for a political force, certain people set expectations that we will be able to fulfill one or another promise or intention. It is the president of the party who is trying to make the wishes and wishes of our voters come true. There are a wide variety of mechanisms in politics that politicians use. And withdrawing or expressing an opinion is one of the ways, “he said.

According to A.Veryga, not everyone in the faction supported the president’s position, but R. Karbauskis’s decision is said to be respected.

Withdrawal is called protest

R. Karbauskis announced his intention to resign from Seimas last Thursday. He then said that he was resigning his term as a member of the Seimas, protesting against the actions of the new government in assigning seats in parliament.

“As I understand that one of the problems for which the office cannot descend and restore democracy is in my person, I will eliminate this problem so that the ruling majority can descend and allow our faction to function fully in the Seimas. My decision is to leave the Seimas, “R. Karbauskis told reporters Thursday after the faction meeting.
