Vaida (real name known to the editorial board) said that on June 25, after a transaction with a natural person, a package was placed in the XL box of the Kaunas LP Express ATM, which was supposed to arrive at the ATM of Širvintos. It is true that the courier who called on Saturday morning explained that there is no need for a free XL box in Širvintos, so the shipment must be picked up on the spot, otherwise we will have to wait for next week. At that point, the reader was gone and could not pick up the shipment, so he decided to wait.
Unbeknownst to her on Monday, he called the courier who contacted her on Saturday, but only learned that the shipments were being transported that day by someone else who was unaware of the situation.
“There was silence again, which had already begun to cause not only impatience, because the shipment was needed quite urgently, but also concern,” he added. 15 minutes Vaida said.
Until June 30, after receiving no information, Vaida called the specified phone, but heard that no information could be obtained without the shipping number.
So on July 1, he called the consultants again, only this time he already had a shipping number. Initially, the consultant reported that the Širvintos post offices do not have an XL-size box for the parcel, so it has to be diverted elsewhere, but later this information turned out to be incorrect.
“At first we were a bit confused and we thought maybe we were really wrong and there was no box of this size. We call again. After explaining the situation to the consultant who responded, he assured that the colleague had made a mistake: there is a box of this size in our post office and if there is space, the shipment will be placed tomorrow.

Sigismund Gedvila / photo 15min / LP Express postal machine
However, when July 2 arrived, the woman received neither a package nor information from the company. After calling the company consultants again, the reader heard an unexpected message: the package they were waiting for was returned to the package distribution center because it was poorly packaged.
“It was said that we had to buy a new courier home delivery package sticker. Without patience, I called again. Then I heard even more interesting excuses: the culprit was the sender, the shipment was not packaged well, the film was falling off, everything was falling apart, there were problems removing it, etc. The sender was contacted, the shipment fitted normally in the container and was packed, no one fell ”, the interlocutor was surprised.
Heard teasing
At the time, readers were offered to write a claim and purchase a new sticker so that the package could be delivered by a courier. This service costs about 16 euros, although 6 euros have already been paid for mailing.
According to Vaida, when asked if he would be reimbursed for the cost of mailing it, he received a response that the sender was responsible for the package being improperly packaged. He also said that he asked how the shipment would fit in an XL box from one ATM, but not another, and why he was not immediately informed that the shipment did not fit or was not properly packaged. However, the answer was terse: customers are only informed that PO boxes are busy. The reader has also heard that the package is too heavy for the post office.
“When asked where the maximum weight of the shipment is indicated, he replied that it is not indicated. However, in reality this is stated and the weight of the shipment mentioned by the consultant did not reach, much less exceeded the standards indicated on his page. When he asked to connect me or refer me to those responsible to learn about the situation in a peaceful and constructive way, he refused to do so, ”said the woman.

123RF.com nuotr./Siuntiniai
She was also disappointed in the work of the company consultants she interacted with; according to the woman, they communicated mockingly.
After contacting the Lithuanian post, the company’s representative, Monika Pivoraitė, assured that customers would not be informed separately about the fact that the shipment was not properly packaged.
“If we see the opportunity to deliver the shipment, we deliver it, but sometimes the shipment is too complicated, then we return it to the sender,” explained M. Pivoraitė.
Finding no other way out, the reader decided to order a new package sticker for the courier. Thus, the shipping cost has already exceeded 20 euros.
Had the courier left the package in the yard?
On July 5, the reader received the package, but there was no curiosity here either. According to the woman, the courier, who arrived early Monday at 6:45 a.m., left the package in the yard of her own house and was already leaving.
“I was already getting into the car when, noticing it, we went out to the yard and asked ourselves to wait until we inspected the shipment. Then it turned out that a signature was also required on the collected shipment, but she did not offer to call or enter, so the question arose: if we had not been able to leave, who would have put the signature, perhaps the same courier? Is it normal to leave a package anywhere in the yard and leave? Vaida did not hide his surprises.

123RF.com nuotr./Kurjeriai per karantiną
The reader of the package waited 11 days, when the Lietuvos paštas website indicates that the package usually arrives at the ATM in Lithuania on the next business day or Saturday, if it is placed before the specified time of withdrawal of the postal package.
You received an apology and an offer to refund the fee paid.
M.Pivoraitė 15 minutes He commented that the company contacted the customer and apologized.
“We regret the inconvenience caused to the client. We contacted the client in person and did everything possible to correct the error. We will definitely take the necessary measures to prevent such situations from recurring,” said M. Pivoraitė.
According to her, the customer will be refunded the fee paid for the non-provided ATM delivery service.
She assured that 98 percent. shipments are delivered next day or next day, but challenges are sometimes caused by large shipments (XL).
“These packages are the ones that get shipped the least, so consequently there are the fewest mailboxes at post offices suitable for shipping these packages. Depending on the situation at the post office, we generally inform customers that if all the boxes of the correct size are occupied at that time, the customer can choose an alternative: deliver the package at another post office, deliver by courier or wait for the required box to be released, “said the company representative.
When asked how the behavior of the company’s employees is assessed in this case, M. Pivoraitė pointed out that “in these types of situations, every effort is made to know all the details to avoid their repetition.”
“We talk, we warn the employees, if necessary, we take other measures,” said M. Pivoraitė.
At the time, the reader confirmed that he had received an apology from the Lithuanian Post on Wednesday morning and offered to reimburse the costs for the service not received.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Lithuania Post
Expand the network of post offices
Currently, the LP Express ATM network consists of 285 ATMs and almost 42 thousand. boxes in 89 cities and towns.
The company announced Wednesday that it has announced a public tender for the purchase of up to 280 new postal machines. As part of the post machine development, 80 new LP Express post machines will be installed next year, with the remaining equipment planned to be purchased by 2025.
According to data from Lietuvos paštas, the volumes of parcels traveling through LP Express post offices are growing steadily. In 2020, the number of packages sent and collected through them increased more than three times compared to 2019. In January-May of this year, the number of packages sent and collected at post offices amounted to 2.3 million . and it grew 102 percent during the same period last year.